劳动实践课自我评价 篇1高中是一个小社会,步入高中就等于步入半个社会。我们不再是象牙塔里不能受风吹雨打的花朵,通过社会实践的磨练,我们深深地认识到社会实践是一笔财富。社会是一所更能锻炼人的综合性大学,只有正确的引导我们深入社会,了解社会,服务于社会,投身到社会实践中去,才能使我们发现自身的不足,为今后走出校门,踏进社会创造良好的条件;才能使我们学有所用,在实践中成才,在服务中成长,并有效的为社会服务,体现高中生的自身价值。今后的工作中,是在过去社会实践活动经验的基础上,不断拓展社会实践活动范围,挖掘实践活动培养人才的潜力,坚持社会实践与了解国情,服务社会相结合,为国家与社会的全面发展出谋划策。坚持社会实践与专业特点相结合,为地方经济的发展贡献力量为社会创造了新的财富。
“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。社会实践使同学们找到了理论与实践的最佳结合点。尤其是我们学生,只重视理论学习,忽视实践环节,往往在实际工作岗位上发挥的不很理想。通过实践所学的专业理论知识得到巩固和提高。就是紧密结合自身专业特色,在实践中检验自己的知识和水平。通过实践,原来理论上模糊和印象不深的得到了巩固,原先理论上欠缺的在实践环节中得到补偿,加深了对基本原理的理解和消化“天将降大任于斯人也。必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤……”。 在短短三天的实践活动中,汗水淋湿了我们的衣裤,泪水模糊了我们的眼睛。但我们选择了坚持。我们把淮师人永争第一的精神带去了社区,把淮师学子的优秀品质和良好的精神风貌体现得淋漓尽致。在社区人民的心底留下了美丽的印象。七月,我们走进火热社会,用汗和泪谱写一曲壮丽的青春之歌。这是爱的奉献,这是我们的无悔选择。七月,我们撒播希望,同时拥抱丰收,就如新世纪的第一缕曙光,我们的暑期社会实践曙光城也给社区留下了光辉灿烂的一笔。
劳动实践课自我评价 篇2这个假期我没有选择自己所学的专业去实践,而是在一个亲戚开的电脑配件柜台帮忙卖货,过的十分充实。在此次实践过程中我学到在书本中学不到的知识,它让你开阔视野、了解社会、深入生活、回味无穷。也对自己一直十分想了解的电脑知识有了更进一步的深入。社会实践作为广大青年学生接触社会、了解国情、服务大众的重要形式,对于青年学生的成长、成才有着极为重要的作用。
劳动实践课自我评价 篇3Old people are a special group in society, everyone will be old, but the old should not be abandoned by society, people old, as if it is poor made, to discuss too many people too. In fact, we should not think about it, people old, inconvenient legs, vague thinking, as if it became a burden on society, it will drag the community. In fact, the old people at a young age with their hard work and sweat for the community to make a contribution, large or small, may only raise their children, but in any case, they paid. They sacrifice their lives for the community, the predecessors of the tree, the descendants of the cool, we take the cool of their trees planted, we have the obligation to serve them, the obligation to give them a happy sunset red life. Each of us has the old time, no one wants to grow old that day is to become the object of society that day. Life, from the reality we are not satisfied, always thinking about possession, in this condolences to the elderly activities let us have a new understanding of life.Learn a lot of truth, to get a little life of Scripture: that is Cherish what you have to learn to love.Respect for the elderly is the traditional virtues of China, the elderly have never asked the old high, they want is to accompany them to chat, talk and laugh on it, because their memories of performance in our body. We are now their grandparents, grandparents and many have gone, so to see the elderly, we may be particularly miss their loved ones, do not feel like and elderly people want to close, just like their grandparents , Like grandparents, want to care for them, take care of them, and they will us as granddaughters, grandchildren, like, holding your hand, put their share of kindness on you, and we are pleased to accept the . Each of us experiences life and death from childhood to youth, from youth to old age.We are still young stage, the future also has a long section to go, how to go, I think, everyone should be aware of. Perhaps when we finish our journey of life, the rest, whether it will be as old as the elderly home happy to spend their old age it?
Patricia, the homeless, the homeless and the dying man, is one of the most respected figures in the world, in 1979, known as the " Live saints "Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize, the most unquestionably the most gratifying winner in the history of her Nobel Prize. She was from the age of 18 until the age of 87 death, never for themselves, but only for the suffering of the people alive. She said a famous saying: We often can not do great things, but we can do with great love small things. We must grow in love, and we must keep loving until we are wounded, and we must learn to give.In gratitude to enrich themselves in the dedication to improve life.
Practical significance: as a college student, we learned a lot from this activity, but also understand a lot of people behave truth. Volunteer service in the nursing home, although we sweat profusely, but we are very happy, because I did not mind a sense of pride is usually not experience, public service activities are not remunerated, not for personal gain, public service is ecstasy Labor, we created a beautiful mind. Through this social practice, on the one hand, I have strengthened our ability to social interaction, in practice, growth; the other hand, we have made their own contribution to society. Need to say, now the elderly do need children's companionship and care, spiritual support issues need each of us attention. When they have time, should be more concerned about the elderly, even if it is and they talk a few hours, they are satisfied.
I think, as long as we pay in their own lives, worked hard, regardless of success or failure, we have had a good memory of their own. We have no good regret. Now we can imagine that someday we would like the old man in the elderly as know today? Most definitely. I believe that every enthusiastic young man will not let the elderly people be displaced and suffer cold weather. Let us join hands to give their due power for the elderly to contribute to the community.
Finally, I want to say, the public without size, reach out to let love filled the human world.
劳动实践课自我评价 篇4思想方面:作为团支部书记,同时也是一名预备党员。我总是利用平时的空闲时间学习一些时政和思想方面的要闻,为日常的工作做了充分的准备。尤其是xx3月4日在全国政协民盟民进联组会上提出“八荣八耻”的重要理论,不论是学校里还是班里组织的学习活动我都积极参加,从根本上将八荣八耻定为自己的行为标准,认真学习贯彻提出的“八荣八耻”重要论述,把社会主义荣辱观教育与学习党章结合起来,引导广大的团员同学自觉对照“八荣八耻”要求,自觉树立社会主义荣辱观,保持自身的先进性,增强组织的创造力、凝聚力、战斗力。增强学习贯彻社会主义荣辱观的自觉性和责任感、紧迫感,坚持从我做起,从点滴做起,切实把“八荣八耻”转化为自觉行动,努力做社会主义荣辱观的模范实践者和积极推动者。
劳动实践课自我评价 篇5July sun can not stop the pace of our progress, activities carried out very well, and achieved good results for our summer has added a wealth of color, the following will be the activities of our own summary. I and the roommate is responsible for the local nursing home in Nanjing, on the eve of the summer we have to rack their brains to contact homes for the elderly, the last effort pays off, we contacted a nursing home, that is, Nanjing Boai old apartment, and in the summer in that social practice . Another student is responsible for her home for her nursing home, we communicate with each other, encourage each other, for to be able to gain. July 4, I and roommates early from the body, with Baidu map and all the way to the stranger 's inquiry, after a twists and turns finally found hidden in the Purple Mountain side of Nanjing Boai old apartment. At this point we are slightly tired, but the effort has finally paid off. Information we flew at the door to start taking pictures of the school flag pictures. After the enthusiastic staff of the consent, we entered the old apartment inside.
Into the apartment, we are curious about the random stroll. When the summer season, the apartment tree-lined, know is tireless cried, green coverage is not bad. Green lawn on the elderly with the daily needs of fitness equipment. Light from the external environment, this is still very suitable for the elderly living.
Next, we will step into the topic, to the apartment to visit the elderly. Just when I and the roommate thinking about what way to knock on the door of the elderly, a chance to come quietly, a water master appeared in front of us. We had an idea, take the initiative to offer water to help send water master, knocking on a second floor of the elderly households. The elderly see us as her water, immediately happy together, he kept to thank us.
We told the old people to understand the meaning of the summer social practice, the grandmother will be warm to our invitation to her home.Grandmother seemed very lonely, after all, to leave their children living in old apartments for so many years. We asked the living conditions of the elderly living, they took the initiative and talked up old grandmother.Grandmother talked about their dissatisfaction with society, their own description of the past few decades, four years of their children.
During the conversation, we learned that the reason for the elderly to stay in apartments is that their children are out of work to attend to the elderly, their arrangements for the elderly apartments. Grandmother to their children of the four-speed please and we, and we take extra care, personally prepared for us lunch. Although it is a simple bowl of noodles, which contains the grandmother of our love. We can not eat people, we are very happy to help the grandmother did the housework, from the experience of labor happiness, to the grandmother brought a lot of happiness. The first day is the most memorable day, but also a microcosm of 3 days. Through this summer social practice, we understand that the elderly to stay in the elderly apartment mainly for a few reasons:
1. Busy children, no extra time to take care of the elderly;
2. old people suffering from disease, need someone else's time to take care of;
3. Old people and the younger generation is not used to live, easy to produce contradictions;
4. Older people like to have the same age group of people living in apartments for the elderly.
All in all, Nanjing Boai old apartment is a good old apartment, a beautiful external environment, internal facilities, improve services, living here is a good choice for the elderly. According to another social practice in Nantong, members of the report, there is the situation here and the nursing home here in Nanjing there are some differences.
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