



工程管理自我评价 篇1

  首先我得明确表示,我不是很聪明,而且并不像其他北方人一样长的高大威猛,有时还会傻愣木枘,但我保证决不会误事的。如同其他来自其他农村的孩子一样,我比较坦诚, 勤奋务实,责任心强。当然北方人特有的豪情仗义我也少不了,如果是要我负责的我决对会咬紧牙关说一不二的做到最好更好。因为男人嘛就要有负得起责任的好豪情和勇气,有决策后面临风险和困难的气魄,有坚持后取得成绩时的冷静。喜欢博大、想学更多的知识,当然计算机、上岗证等这些都不在话下,自修了包括法律和经济学方面的书,也是一个不入流的文学爱好者吧,同学点歌祝词或是生日祝词一般是我写,也写些小散文诗歌的。忙里偷闲的时候,也喜欢上上网、打打球或是和同学一起偷看美女之类的,但是一样不精,略知一二。

工程管理自我评价 篇2






工程管理自我评价 篇3


工程管理自我评价 篇4

  First, the construction quality inspection summary

  1, __ February 17 to the company after the meeting will be completed in accordance with the requirements of the company to check the Shenzhen Vanke Qian Lin Shanju project, Guangzhou Conghua Xia Wan to take the project to check the project technical documents, construction programs, construction quality, construction safety, The whole construction production system, the inspection of the quality problems, security risks, production points have been made to make a comprehensive reform measures and technical control methods, and check the existence of the sub-project technical information reported to the company.

  2, according to the examination of the problems I have done the relevant rectification and technical disclosure, and technical delivery to the foreman under the hands of the Secretary, and cut the requirements of the main management personnel in accordance with relevant technical information to control the implementation of the project quality control in the implementation process Because the management system does not build the leadership does not attach great importance to the quality of the project, not at all levels of implementation, so the implementation of the original grid is not in accordance with the relevant technical specifications data implementation, there is no implementation of the reasons for the analysis;

  A, in accordance with the current project construction in the quality, and safety issues to further analyze the quality of the project is the life, an enterprise should be quality first, safety first as the goal. First of all, the company's leadership on the quality of the project has not been a high degree of attention, the company did not develop a clear project quality management objectives, safety management objectives, there is no clear and feasible quality, safety control measures, and no uniform control objectives, A sub-project in the construction process will not be effectively controlled. B, the project quality management is the biggest flaw is not doing a good job targeted technical control of the book, senior management of the sub-project quality management objectives are not clear, security management is not clear, not to mention there are What to guide the effective control of technical documents, volatility and randomness are relatively large, according to the inspection results can reflect the pre-implementation process, sub-project construction is basically based on the discretion of the foreman to command operations, regardless of technical level , Not in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements to make effective control of the relevant documents.

  C, good technical disclosure is one of the conditions to effectively control the quality of the project, to this end, each sub-project should be carried out before the implementation of the end, operating technology, Program, is the process of construction of specific guidance documents, good technical first of all project managers should attach great importance to, and must be clear to the end of the content, including construction methods, quality requirements and acceptance criteria, the construction process should pay attention to issues that may arise Unexpected problems and emergency measures. Key parts, or technical difficulties, the construction of complex sub-projects, do not do a good job at the end of technical sub-project, shall not enter the formal implementation.

  Second, the production and quality management overview

  1, the construction project is a production of a single, liquidity, large fluctuations, it is not like the general industrial products as the production line so standardized, a fixed production lines, a standardized production technology and improve the detection technology, Of the production equipment and stable production environment, so the project quality is easy to produce fluctuations and fluctuations are still relatively large, while affecting the quality of the project is still more factors, any of which factors change, will make the project quality fluctuations. Such as the use of material specifications varieties of errors, improper construction methods, the operation did not follow procedures, mechanical equipment failure, design errors, the production system construction environment, and so will cause the project quality accident. A major factor is the human factor, according to my company is currently under construction projects, the existence of quality problems, and the vast majority of security risks caused by human factors of quality and safety issues, the total summed up in five , Human factors, material factors, mechanical factors, construction methods, construction environment five factors.

  2, personnel factors, people are the main production and operation activities, but also the construction of the project decision-makers, managers, operators, the whole process of project construction, such as project planning, decision-making, surveying, design and construction, To complete. The quality of personnel, that is, people's cultural level, technical level, decision-making ability, management ability, work ability, control ability, physical quality and professional ethics, will directly affect the quality of construction, so the personnel factor is an important impact on project quality factor. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of their own management quality, improve the quality and safety of management quality, first of all from the leadership to start from the leadership.

工程管理自我评价 篇5

  With the dream I went to college, in college, I earnestly learn the profession, to expand the knowledge, and to strengthen the principle of capacity training, a lot of learning from the wealth of knowledge, exercise their own ability. I strive to learn basic courses, deep research expertise, and achieved excellent results, many times among the best, year after year scholarships.

  In school, I love socialism, support the Chinese Communist Party and his leadership. Consciously abide by national laws and school discipline.Actively participate in various activities within the party school, to move closer to the party organization, and achieved a certificate of party school graduation. In school, I actively participate in classes from the class, the school's various collective activities, and make suggestions for the collective. Always concerned about the students, and we harmonious relationship. As a class cadre, I try my best to serve my classmates, actively assist my teachers in my work, carry out various forms of activities, coordinate the relationship between my classmates and the class, and make my class a vibrant and dynamic class.

  After-school life, I also adhere to cultivate their extensive hobbies, adhere to physical exercise, so that they always remain in the best condition. In order to improve their social interaction and the use of all aspects of knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. Three years, I joined the young volunteers, attended the school party school training, these experiences not only enhanced my hard-working, self-reliance ability, but also improve my cooperation and exchanges with others ability.

  Heaven and earth, learning is endless, I know that in addition to theoretical knowledge, my experience and experience is still shallow. I am convinced that the opportunity will be favored people who have prepared, I look forward to a better future, always ready to work with you, I am always looking forward to a better future!





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