With words, and words for friends. Words, sometimes like a lighthouse on the sea, in the confusion of the helpless, to show us the way forward. Text is an integral part of our spiritual food, let us be moist in spiritual hunger, comfort in the loss, to be released in the confusion. In our most empty, confused, the text, is undoubtedly the best mentor and talk to us. The text, sometimes just like the soul can unlock the hearts of the therapist, a knot. Read your favorite book, let yourself in reading and in writing, mature. Let the text record of their heart and calendar journey, joy, sorrow, with words and sing and cry, let the words melt in your heart, keep out from depressed, infiltration with warmth and laughter, dance with words, revel in words, life will be full of color, rich and unique personality. A person's experience determines the depth of a person, a person's environment determines the origin of a person's happiness. Life is simple and complex, regardless of the broad and narrow mind, regardless of joy and frustration in life, bit by bit, the word from the heart, the text will become a symbol of your life. Out of a state of mind, the harvest of a surprise, with their own unique ideas, aesthetic angle, clear writing, find their own loving heart of life.