下雨,潮湿的失落。太阳,这好像是我们自己给自己安慰的药物; 其实我们是逃不过这罪恶, 这无形的恐惧的。我们都是有罪的,畏惧的,并且在心灵里孤独,迷路。
谁理解我? 谁关心我? 而且,我是谁?我们从来都在世间寻找着新事物,应该是想逃离过去,恐惧,或者只是应为在寻找最终人生的道路上走丢了;它到底是什么?我们经常得到新玩具,新工作, 新家,甚至包括新生活。可是,我们通常只有在生命最后一刻才看得穿。开始回忆,发现太晚了,只有等待新生命,等待自己孩子的新生活。
这就像黎明与黄昏。在阳光充满的清晨,远远看去眼前的赤云开始等待生命中新的一天。而只有黄昏后,才开始往回看; 当然,也继续仰望着下一个黎明。
Rain?-pain. sun?-well, it is like some drug we use in us to seem we are out of fear, and sin, but the thing is,no one can get outfr0mthis dome or wall of fear, sin, and is deep in, alone, sad. and lost. Who know me? Who care for me? or Who am I? We seek new things in life all the time, to run,fr0mthe past, a fear, or we are lost on the way to a final life; what is it? We get new toy, job, home, and even new life. Yet, the life we all want, are often only truly seen through till the last of our life, only then will we look back, and find it“s too late; then, one will look to a new day.
★ 火柴人250字
★ 写人片段350字
★ 人如雨500字