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  Connect with lightsome pace, quietly came to earth, brought the spring to the earth.

  I followed the voice, came to the street, there are the footsteps of spring.You see, the flowers open their smiling faces, the grass from sleep wake up, leaned out of his head, to the earth mother put on green clothes, and then look at willow sister jilt a head of green shawls long hair, the wind blows, "rustling" sound, wake up the sleeping little animals.

  And I came to the garden, the garden of the yellow flowers are smiling at me 1 only butterflies and bees flying among the flowers, beautiful.

  Spring is wonderful, I love spring.

  In the spring

  Spring is like a fairy tale, children's play, connect the sound of footsteps, and the chanting of small animals.

  Spring is like a world, a beautiful world, have the willow sister left a long hair, shaking body, is so terrible, peach sister red, a have a gesture, have been laughing, some bud, beautiful.

  Spring is a colorful world, I love spring.

  In the spring

  Spring quietly came to the earth, the earth has brought vitality, bring people joy, bring the sweet flowers and plants

  Spring flowers is gorgeous, the sunshine is warm spring, spring is a gentle people, animals are active in spring, the spring of the family is happy, the stars are bright spring, spring is a beautiful world, I love spring.

  In the spring

  Spring is coming, spring is coming, spring is finally here.After the willow tree, hits the poplars, graceful and stood beside the road, the flowers open in the lotus pond the smiling face, they seem to spring smile, waved to the spring, the spring of joy.Listen, the small animals in the forest in the singing, singing in the spring of the good times, singing in the spring mountains, singing in spring, the objects, all sing the spring scenery, also can't lose.

  Ah!Is voice off the winter, ushered in the spring, and spring brings the vitality.

  In the spring garden

  Autumn is a beautiful garden, garden more beautiful in spring.

  From a distance, colorful, beautiful, as if a huge flower and it has seven colorful petals.Approached a look, Chinese rose open is so busy, are clusters, like in a discussion meeting, morning glory, like a small horn, in this beautiful spring sing!Still have that cannot lack of lanterns flowers, in the light of the sun, it is bright red, true to the tiny lanterns which had been lit.Hits the poplar graceful, like a young girl.To shake the neat rows of willow standing group, long hair, just like an army in training -- -- -- -- -- -

  Ah!The spring flowers in the garden so beautiful, so many trees, is really an enviable family.

  To the spring,

  To the spring,

  Jujube tree branches and leafy,

  The flowers were blossoming open,

  The grass green.

  Spring is a wonderful,

  To the earth covered with green clothes.

  The spring rain

  That is the spring rain sasha vujacic, willow germination, and green;

  Spring rain wash, river woke up and it rubbed bleary, happily running forward;

  Spring rain drops, the flowers opened, revealing the smiling face of the pink, how attractive;

  Spring rain was raining, wake up the little animals, came to the small animals in the forest happy laughter.

  Ah!Spring rain is sweet, is it awakens the nature.

  I love the sweet spring rain!

  Spring is coming!

  Spring is coming!

  Spring is coming!

  The arrival of the spring to the flowers put on colorful coat,

  The arrival of the spring to the grass watered the rain,

  The arrival of the spring to wake up the sleeping little animals,

  The arrival of spring let small animals playing happily.

  The flowers with its beautiful clothes to express love for spring,

  The grass in the sense of green color

  In the spring,

  Small animals together,

  Children with the most sincere praise spring song of the long march.


  The beautiful spring,

  Are you make the world a better place!!

  The rain

  Summer, rain often took it two friends -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the wind and thunder to our "home".

  It's not, they discuss three partners and good to us to make a noise.Wind the younger brother to stand up, it's quick, a moment to form a spiral, and flood;Around for a while to the left;Then walk to the right.Dazzling.At this time, the rain said: "although the wind I act brilliantly, but not me."See it has, there has been no such as wind and thunder, the tens of thousands of, like pearls of small water droplets from the sky, is full of praise.Ray saw, break into a furious rage, "click" sound, a white light, through the sky -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

  Show ended, wind, rain and thunder, tired and fell asleep.

  The rain

  "Di di, di" and "click, click, click" small rain to make friends with us, "one, two, three -- -- -- -- -- -- --" wow!So many new friends.

  The birds are flying in the rain, the tree branches swaying in the rain, the grass in the rain to you nod, the flowers in the rain;Small raindrops dressed in a transparent clothes came to the forest, there is a bird singing and small animals happy laughter.Small rain watering grass shook his head, watering the trees swaying branches, watering the trees swaying branches, watering the flowers open smile.

  Smile to you!

  Ah!Is light rain brought vitality to nature, it is light rain brought laughter to nature.

  A shower

  Today, the glittering and translucent get rid of the thick rain with the wind, "shout" came to the us, like the dragon king sneezed.

  The rain, the greater the in a short time, it to rain cats and dogs.Rain "abundance" underground, tens of thousands of water all get together to us, like a grand banquet.For a moment, the said: "it's a wonderful world!"For a moment that added: "I hope I never live in this place."But not for a while, the small raindrops reluctantly left the versatility of the world.

  The sun came out, the magpies singing the songs of joy, sister rainbow followed the song appeared in the sky, the animals are singing for the beautiful rainbow -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -.

  I want to be the snow

  Ah!Snow, you finally come, you are my best friend.The tree have your shadow, also on the ground

  Your self in the sky

  To fly by, please take me with you.In this way, I can be your best have your shadow.A friend.Be your friend in my heart.I want to fly over all over the country, to make friends with more people.

  Ah!Snow, every day I forget you are friends, would you please bring me.


  This morning, I go out, they found the ground covered with white snow, not cried: "that's great, finally it's snowing."I think the snow will bring me joy.

  White poplar branches more and more, not only is the poplar, other tree, flagpole -- -- -- -- -- -- --, is becoming more and more white.

  The naughty baby snow fall on our neck, itching to us, to our hair for a while, the blink of an eye, our hair is all white.I want to take it, but it is tricky to run away from the fingers.

  Although it is naughty, it can know care about people, it's not, it is afraid of willow grandpa frozen, painstakingly, also specially to the willow tree grandpa put on a white coat.

  I like the snow.

  The frost

  On December 5, 2001

  Today, I go out, vast expanse of whiteness around, the leaves on the trees turned white.Willow grandpa flowing white beard, like the trees around to tell a story, looked at it carefully, I also want to hear.Went on again, he saw a solitary tree saplings, I gently playing with their feet, trunk frost fell down from its branches and leaves, fallen into my neck, as if in give me itching, make I laughed.The earth mother wore a white veil, as if it were going to attend tonight's party.Suddenly, I found that the frost and snow, the shape of give me feeling, frost is a triangle, and the snow is round.You said, am I right?

  This cream brings me pleasure.

  The frost

  Today, the sky and there are many such as small pearly cream down to make more friends.

  There is a white piece of, true as it is out of the fairy tale e to look at, it hits the tall pine, all covered with a layer of white, it is cream!Is the world of the cream!Before I close, feel fresh, original is XinYu at work, he kicked the tree, the frost was rained down on the tree, falling all over me.

  I came to a willow, I almost beyond recognition, its long wicker has been dyed white, really like old man's beard, the wind blows, "beard" move it, like the trees beside to tell a story.

  At this moment, I feel a little cold, looked down, think oneself to the underwater world, see a lot of coral!Careful on see, originally I didn't what to the underwater world, I am still on land, coral, just now I saw the original yellow hay that are above a layer of frost, makes the jiao thin grass become coarse and coral, white.

  At this time, is already 3 o 'clock in the afternoon, the sun is out, in the warm sunshine, the white cream is slowly disappear -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

  On February 18, 2002

  Winter was coming, the leaves were happy to jump down from the tree of wind dance, you look at that big tree as if singing in for them.Just dance for a while, the small leaf will loosen the hand, fell on the ground, bugs regard it as a big quilt, fall into the stream, the ant regard it as the boat, and fell to the garden, small bee spend it as the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

  Everybody said the small leaves too not obedient, can small leaves no care about it. Just happy.

  The wind

  On November 25, 2001

  In the morning I was in bed she heard the wind mother-in-law banging in the land of "pa" the window of my home.Oh, today's wind is really big.

  After breakfast, my mother and I go shopping.Scratch with the wind, campus next to the pieces of the reeds were bent, as if in the race.Willow wave to the side of the road, is good

  Like in the dance.Confetti and plastic bags on the ground are high into the air, they ride the wind seemed to want to travel around the country.Look at that air lines rocking back and forth, like two children in the rope, like a green snake in dancing.Magpie also disappeared.

  Past the lively little sparrows are hiding under the eaves, huddled up.The singing loudly

  Ride car uncle aunt are all bow, naked feet painfully on the car, difficult to walk forward.The ball rolling on the ground.

  Those kids is more interesting, wearing a down jacket, the wind blowing on 1 vigorously ran, like a skin

  Oh, today's wind is really big!


  The fast-moving cloud, the various cloud, floating in front of my eyes.Moment like the sun, the moon, sometimes like scraps scales, and like a crocodile in the water when swimming, for a while, crocodile on shore, out popped a small frog, the little green frog a bouncing ran away, crocodile, empty-handed.a


  Later came up and a small cricket, it gave to me, as if to say: "goodbye".

  Ah!The beautiful cloud in smiled at me, I love the cloud.

  The field of autumn

  I always think of spring field is better than the autumn fields, from a distance, charactizing a fine spring day, but since the observation field of autumn, I think autumn is more beautiful than spring field of the field.

  Looked from a distance, where pieces of golden, red fruits, beautiful, approached a look, and that each big stone landed like golden pears, and the small chrysanthemum yellow persimmon, seemed to be smiled at me!Look!There is a peach forest, one of the pink peach as if to nod and smile to me, still talking!"Welcome, welcome!"Look!That colorful, like the earth covered with a fluffy carpet, I have to go and see, "ah!"It is pieces of cotton, cotton too far by the breeze sway, like in the beautiful big dance let me enjoy them.

  Ah!Beautiful field, you are with their presence.

  Grade 3: wang jinlong brother


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No title500字

What is beauty in your mind?(你的心情美丽吗)300字

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高二英语作文:True Beauty200字

See the Beauty of Human Nature(看美丽的人类自然)1600字

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  • 暑假班150字


  • 快乐50字


  • 自然之礼——雪900字


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