《大话西游》: once i let a ture love slip away before my eyes,only to find myself regretting when it was too late,nothing in the world can be as painfui as this,if the god wound give a chance ,i wound tell the girl i love the girl ,if our love have to be setted a time limit ,i wish it wound be ten thounds of years!
《泰坦尼克号》:jack: don't do it!
rose: stay back! don't come any closer!
jack: come on! just give me your hand and i'll pull you back over.
rose: no, stay where you are! i mean it! i'll let go!
jack: no, you won't!
rose: what do you mean, no i won't? don't presume to tell me what i will and will not do. you don't know me.
jack: well, you would have done it already.
rose: you're distracting me. go away!
jack: i can't. i'm involved now. you let go, and i'm gonna have to jump in there after you.
rose: don't be absurd. you'd be killed.
jack: i'm a good swimmer.
rose: the fall alone would kill you.
jack: it would hurt; i'm not saying it wouldn't. to tell you the truth, i'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.
rose: how cold?
jack:freezing. maybe a couple of degrees over. have you ever, uh, ever been to wisconsin?
rose: what?
jack:well, they have some of the coldest winters around. i grew up there, near chippewa falls. i remember when i was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out on lake wisota. ice-fishing is, you know, when you...
rose: i know what ice-fishing is!
jack: sorry. you just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. anyway, i uh, fell through some thin ice, and i'm telling ya, water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. you can't breathe, you can't think, at least not about anything but the pain. which is why i'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. like i said, i don't have a choice. i guess i'm kind of hoping that you'll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here.
rose: you're crazy!
jack: that's what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss, i'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. come on! come on, give me your hand. you don't want to do this.
jack: whew. i'm jack daws
rose: i'm rose dewitt buchater.
3:泡泡糖 主持人召集若干人上台,人数最好是奇数,当大家准备好时,主持人喊“泡泡糖”大家要回应“粘什么”,主持人随机想到身体的某个部位,台上的人就要两人一组互相接触主持人说的部位。比如,主持人说左脚心,那么台上的人就要两人一组把左脚心相接触。而没有找到同伴的人被淘汰出局。当台上的人数剩下偶数时,主持人要充当 1 人在其中,使队伍始终保持奇数人数。最后剩下的两人胜出。因为游戏并不具有技术和智力上的难度,所以在胜出人获得奖品时,还可以稍微刁难一下,比如让他站在椅子上用身体表现一个字(可以是他的名字之类)或者让他表演一个节目等。此游戏要注意,主持人喊出的身……
4:自由交流时间,在交流的时候可以放一些轻缓的英文歌:(soledad, take me home country roads , what’s going on )
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