《大鱼》是一部诞生于xx年的美国奇幻片,导演是蒂姆·伯顿,由伊万·迈克格雷戈主演。故事改编自丹尼尔·华勒斯(daniel wallace)1998年的《大鱼老爸》(big fish),以孩子的口吻来叙述其爸爸传奇的一生。
威尔(比利·克鲁德普饰)记得,从小时候起,父亲爱德华(亚伯特·尼饰)就喜欢滔滔不绝的讲述自己早年当阿拉巴马旅行推销员时经历的众多离奇的故事,它们是如此的光怪陆离,就连小威尔也时常怀疑它们的真实性。 他觉得自己根本就不了解父亲,也无法接受他的奇说,这让父子间的关系逐渐疏远。后来威尔和一名叫约瑟芬的法国女子结了婚,终于离开了自己的家和整天喋喋不休的父亲。
"big fish" is a united states born in xx fantasy film, directed by tim burton, starring ivan mike greg. the story is adapted from daniel wallace (daniel wallace) 1998's "big fish dad" (big fish), to the child to describe the tone of their legendary father's life.
in the "big fish" this touching film, directed by tim lydon takes us into the inner world of a father and son.
will (billy crudup ornaments) remember from childhood onwards, his father edward (albert & benny ornaments) would like gushing about his early traveling salesman when alabama experienced many bizarre the story, which is so bizarre, even small will also often suspect their authenticity. he felt he did not understand his father, could not accept his odd to say, it makes the relationship between father and son gradually alienated. later, will and a 名叫约瑟芬 married a french woman, and finally left his home and the father of chatter all day.
a full three years, and have not been home will contact. that day his mother sandra (jessica lange ornaments) sudden phone call, she told will, his father had cancer, will soon be near death and asked him to go home and see his father one last time. will and his wife returned to hometown, will once again heard the story of his legendary father, who when young.
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