



吉林雾凇英语导游词 篇1

  Rime island is located in the Manchu town of Wula street, more than 30kilometers north of Jilin City. It is a small island in the Songhua River. It isthe most famous rime scenic spot in China. Wusong in Jilin Province, togetherwith Guilin mountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the ThreeGorges of the Yangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders. Rimeisland has many and beautiful rime, and it is often a good place to photographscenery. Every winter, the rising water mist in the unfrozen river is cold, andit condenses into frost flowers on the trees. From a distance, it is thelegendary Yushu Qionghua, which is beyond words.

  Rime is a natural wonder, but the probability of seeing rime on rime islandis high, especially from the middle and late December of each year to the end ofFebruary of the next year. However, the formation of rime needs to meet specificweather conditions, so it is recommended to use the microblog of Jilin TourismBureau( )To pay attention to the weather, usuallyif there is moderate to heavy snow, and the temperature is below minus 20degrees, there is a great possibility of rime.

  From the shore, you need to take a ferry to the island, the cost of 60 yuanper person is equivalent to the island fee and round-trip ticket. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy the Wusong. The trees here are peculiar inshape. The weeping willows covered with frost along the river are shining in theriver wind. If you want to feel the beauty of rime, you can take an earlymorning bus from Jilin City. It's the best time to watch rime from 9 to 11o'clock, and then return in the afternoon. One day is enough. However, if youhave plenty of time, you'd better stay here for one or two nights. In theevening, you can take pictures of sunset. The next day, you can get up early towatch sunrise, and then take pictures of rime. In addition, Hantun on the otherside of rime island is also a good place to watch rime.

  You can choose to live in zengtongtun or Hantun on Wusong island. They areall hot Kang shops provided by local farmers. Generally, they are 100-150 yuanper person. Local dishes are common northeast farmhouse dishes. Sauerkraut isdelicious. Rime island is very cold in winter. It's usually 20-30 degrees belowzero. You must wear thick down jacket and high top anti-skid snow shoes. Youcan't miss a cotton hat, mask, ski gloves and scarf. For Southern tourists whocome to Northeast China occasionally, you can stick some warm treasures outsideyour underwear before going out.

吉林雾凇英语导游词 篇2

  Ladies and gentlemen: Hello!

  Welcome to sunshine and nature. I'm Zhao Yinzhi, the guide of @ @ tourguide agency. Please call me Zhao Dao, Lao Zhao and Xiao Zhao. I'm very happy tomeet you. Today I will try my best to provide you with excellent tour guideservice. I hope you have a good time and have a good time!

  Today, we all rely on our own good fortune to bring us luck. The rime thatwe haven't seen in a few days is full of branches this morning.

  With its poetic beauty of "spring in winter", Jilin rime, together withGuilin landscape, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, isknown as China's four natural wonders. We call it "shugua", which is the icecrystal condensed on the branches and leaves by fog and water vapor when it iscold. It can be divided into granular and crystalline. The rime in Jilin iscrystalline. It can only be formed naturally in the weather with water vapor,temperature below - 25 ℃ and no more than the third level wind. Because of theharsh conditions for its formation, it is listed as one of the four naturallandscapes in China.

  Fengman Hydropower Station is located 15 kilometers up the Songhua Riverfrom the urban area of Jilin Province. In winter, the river water passes throughthe water turbine units, and the water temperature rises and becomes hot. Everywinter, there is still 4 ℃ water flowing from the water turbine units. The riverwater carries a large amount of heat energy, forming a wonderland where theSonghua River flows slowly through the urban area for decades. From the surfaceof the water continuously steaming out water vapor, the whole river white fogTengteng, for a long time does not dissipate. Along the Yangtze River, there aremany pines and willows, and the transpiration fog on the river is cold, forminga world-famous rime landscape.

  To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watchinghanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon".

  "Watching fog at night" is to watch the fog scene on the river on the eveof rime formation. At about ten o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps offog on the Songhua River, and then it became bigger and thicker. Large groups ofwhite fog rolled up from the river and drifted to both sides of the river.Winter fog filled Jiangcheng, which was also a wonder in the north.

  "Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to watch the tree hanging. Thedark trees on the Bank of the ten li River turned silver overnight. Willows arelike jade branches hanging down, and pine needles are like silver chrysanthemumsin full bloom. The river breeze blows, the silver needle flickers, the jadechrysanthemum sways.

  Rime is also known as "dream sending" among the people. It means thatpeople are still in sleep, and the master of heaven has sent all over the skywhite and crystal clear pear flowers. As Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen's poem"white snow song to send judge Wu back"

  "Beijing" two poems: suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands ofpear trees bloom.

  "Enjoy the falling flowers near noon" refers to the scene when the hangingtrees fall off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall offone by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off inthe air when the breeze blows. The bright sunlight shines on them, and colorfulsnow curtains are formed in the air. What I saw in winter was a picture of pearblossoms.

  It is said that a long time ago, there was an old mother by the SonghuaRiver. Her husband died early. She raised her three daughters and worked hard toearn money to support their children. As time went by, the three daughters grewup and married out one after another. After the three daughters got married, theold mother, who was lonely and old, could not work, so she had to take turns tolive with her three daughters The three daughters were unfilial and pushed theold mother around like a rubber ball. One day, on the way of the eldest daughterand the second daughter to the third daughter's house, the cold wind roared. Themore the old mother thought about it, the more sad she was. Her white hair andtears fluttered with the wind. They hung on the trees and condensed into ice,forming tree hangers. People looked at the silver branches, and could not helpthinking of her silver hair I hate my unfilial daughter.

  Dear tourists, the short journey is coming to an end. It's like a springbreeze all night. The rime of thousands of pear blossoms will let you neverforget, and the colorful "falling flowers" will make you linger. Scattering isthe beginning of gathering. May we meet again in this world of jade trees andsilver, and enter nature again. Jilin rime with its enthusiasm, broad mind towelcome the arrival of friends from all walks of life at home and abroad!

  Thank you for your support and cooperation in my work. I hope you can giveme more valuable opinions and suggestions. Finally, I wish you all the best!

吉林雾凇英语导游词 篇3

  The most beautiful place to see rime wonder in Jilin should be in "rimeisland". Here, Hantun and zengtongtun in Wula street town are the mostconcentrated and best shooting places for rime. Because there is an island onthe river, people gradually call it rime island.

  Wusong island is about 40 kilometers away from Jilin City. Its terrain islower than that of Jilin City. It is surrounded by rivers. The cold and hot airintersects here. The heavy fog rising in winter often covers this island ofnearly 6 square kilometers, and sometimes the sun can't be seen for a day. Insuch weather, the rime hanging on the tree will not fall, and it will hang on alayer at night. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy rime. Therewas a saying that "to appreciate rime, to zengtong".

  To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watchinghanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon". "Morning watchhanging" is to get up early to see the tree hanging, to see those thousand yearold elm trees, overnight turned into a silver white, jade branches hanging,clusters of pine needles, just like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, crystal.And "enjoy the falling flowers in the near afternoon", generally around 10 am,the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then they fall down inclusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows, and thebright sunlight shines on them, forming colorful snow curtains in the air. Whenshooting rime, you must be decisive. If the weather is clear and the sun hasrisen completely at 9:00, you will see white rime hanging on various branches,setting off against the blue sky. At 10:00, the solar radiation will make therime begin to fall off from the trees, and the rime on the sunny side will startto blacken (in fact, the branches are exposed).

吉林雾凇英语导游词 篇4

  Good morning, everyone. Did you have a good rest last night? Today we allrely on our blessings to bring us luck. We haven't seen rime for a few days.This morning, we are finally full of branches. Hearing is believing, seeing isbelieving. Now let's go to the shilijiandi to see Jilin rime, one of China'sfour natural wonders. It's about ten minutes' journey from our internationalhotel to Shili river bank. Let me introduce the formation of rime.

  Jilin rime with its "spring in winter" poetic beauty. Together with Guilinmountains and waters, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River,they are known as China's four natural wonders. In Jilin Province, we usuallycall rime "tree hanging". It is a kind of meteorological landscape formed by fogand water vapor freezing when it is cold. It can be divided into granular andcrystalline. Jilin rime belongs to crystalline type. It can only be formed inthe weather with water vapor, temperature below - 25 ° C and no more than thethird wind. Because of the harsh conditions for its formation, it is listed asone of the four natural wonders in China. Some of the group members here wouldlike to ask why such a marvelous natural rime spectacle can be formed in JilinCity? This is because there is a Songhua River in Jilin City, the only riverthat does not freeze in winter. Oh, the group friend asked, "we just came fromHarbin, why is the Songhua River frozen there?" this is because the famousFengman Hydropower Station is 15 kilometers upstream from the Songhua River inJilin City. Every winter, the water temperature of the river rises and warms upthrough the huge water turbine generator set, and it is still around 4 ° C.Therefore, although the Songhua Lake is covered with ice for thousands of miles,it looks like a mirror However, the river water under the lake carries a hugeamount of heat energy and flows through the urban area for tens of kilometerswithout freezing. A large amount of water vapor evaporates from the unfrozenriver surface. When it is cold, the air pressure forms a miraculous winter fog.With the help of the fog, water vapor condenses on the pines and weeping willowson both sides of the river under suitable natural conditions, forming aworld-famous rime spectacle.

  Careful group members have found that the trees on both sides of the roadtoday are different from those of yesterday. The black bark was still exposedyesterday, but it has turned white today. Yes, this is the tree hanging. It'sjust that there is less fog in the urban area, so there is only one layer on thetree, which is far worse than the scenery of the riverbank. Are some of thegroup members anxious to get to the riverside immediately. In the morning, agroup friend asked me why I got up at dawn. This is because the beautiful rimedoes not appear every day, and the appreciation is divided into three stages,which are called "watching the fog at night, watching the hanging in themorning, and enjoying the falling flowers near noon".

  "Watching fog at night" is to see the fog scene on the river on the eve ofrime formation. At more than 10 o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps offog rising on the river, and then it became bigger and thicker. The big whitefog rolled up from the river and kept flowing to the river bank. Some fog likewisps of fine sand, winding in the river bank old trees; some fog like clouds,floating in the space; more fog like cotton ball, constantly climbing highcotton mountain. At this time, the middle Songjiang Road is wrapped in thickfog, high-rise buildings appear and disappear in the fog, and the lights becomecomplicated, making people feel like they are in the sky above nine days. Thewinter fog permeates Jiangcheng, which is also one of the wonders of northernChina.

  "Morning watch hanging" means getting up early to watch the tree hanging.Fog constantly attached to the trees, overnight, in front of the trees willbecome a sea of silver, willows like jade branches hanging, clusters of pineneedles like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, the river breeze blowing,silver needles flickering, jade chrysanthemum swaying; when the East's dawncasts red light into the forest, the thousands of forms of rime is more crystalclear and colorful. Rime in the folk also has a "dream send" reputation. Itmeans that when people are still sleeping, God has sent the crystal clear pearflowers all over the sky. As Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen said: "suddenly like aspring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom.".

  When you get up in the morning, you can feel that today's weather isparticularly sunny and the air is particularly fresh. This is probably becausethe water flow in the fog has a purifying effect on the air, so I asked you towatch the beautiful tree hanging with me in the early morning and breathe thefresh air by the way.

  Many Chinese and foreign tourists marvel at the beauty of the tree afterseeing it. On January 9, 1990, when Jiang Zemin, then president of the people'sRepublic of China, visited Jilin city to watch the rime of Jilin Province, hesaid with admiration: "the cold river snow willow, Yushu Qionghua, Jilin treehanging are worthy of the name."

  Although the rime is beautiful, it can only last for a few hours, "untilnoon to enjoy the falling flowers", that is, the scene when the tree hangingfalls off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall off one byone, and then fall in clusters. When the breeze blows off the silver flakesflying in the air, the bright sunlight shines on it, the background of the skyis particularly blue, and the snow flakes open into colorful snow curtains inthe air, slowly floating down and scattering white on the ground. At this time,walking on the Songjiang Road, under the sun, blue sky and white snow, peoplelet the trees fall on their heads. Through the snow curtain, people can see theSonghua River running like a drill. The high-rise buildings, floating floats andcolorful costumes make the tourists look very fresh. What they see in winter isa picture of pear blossom in spring.

  Well, having said so much, we are going to get to the best place to watchWusong, Songjiang middle road. Now look at the large-scale sculpture in front ofyou. This is the city standard of Jilin City - rowing man. It is carved fromgranite and has four big characters "torrent bravely marching" on it. Yesterday,I told you about the history of Jilin City. In the Qing Dynasty, Jilin city wasa famous shipyard in China. Remember, choosing "rower" as our city logo is asymbol of the city spirit of Jilin City.

  Now you can see that the Gothic building with a layer of snow in the treehanging on the right side is the Catholic Church. It was built by French priestPaul in 1917 and took nine years to complete. Its main body is composed of thechurch and the bell tower. The towering sky is a scene in the rime by theriver.

  Please wear your hats and gloves and follow me to this beautiful rimespectacle. You can hold up your camera and take a picture of the rime sceneryand keep it in your memory, because the rime scenery is not only of Jilin, butalso of China and the world.





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