



厦门导游词精选范文 篇1











厦门导游词精选范文 篇2







厦门导游词精选范文 篇3

  Hello, I'm Yi Huiqian, the guide of sunshine travel agency. You can call meXiaoqian. Today, I will show you around the island road, a famous scenic spot inXiamen. As the saying goes, "it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."I'm honored to meet you and accompany you to visit Xiamen. I will try my best tomake you understand the scenic spots and our beautiful coastal city Xiamen

  Members of the group, our car is now driving on Xiamen Island Road. Theroad is 43 km long, 44-60 m wide, with 6 lanes in both directions, 18-24 mmotorway, 80-100 m green belt and 200 m in some sections. Huandao Road is one ofthe main scenic roads around the sea in Xiamen. There is also a great spectacleon the road around the island sculpture works. These works show the runningposture of the marathon runners, which has become an important scenic spot onthe road around the island. Today, I would like to focus on the famous musicsculpture. The content of the sculpture is that some people are familiar withmusic. This song is the score of the famous song of Gulangyu. Its total lengthis 247.79 meters, and the score of this song is in 20___ It was listed as thelongest five line musical sculpture in the Guinness World in November.

  Well, dear group friends, this is the end of today's trip. I hope you canbe satisfied with our service, and also hope you will come back to Xiamen, abeautiful coastal city. Thank you and have a good time!

厦门导游词精选范文 篇4














厦门导游词精选范文 篇5

  Today we are going to visit Nanputuo temple. It has a long history andbegan in the Tang Dynasty. However, because it was destroyed many times andrebuilt many times, the architecture of the whole temple is relatively new.Originally known as "Puzhao Temple", it was destroyed. In the 23rd year ofKangxi reign, general Shi Lang rebuilt the temple here. It was called "NanputuoTemple" because it was the same as Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, and itwas also located in the south of Putuo Mountain. Nanputuo temple was originallythe hereditary leader of Linji sect. In 1924, it was changed into the system ofselecting talents in the jungle. It has been 11 years since then Mr. Ren, thecurrent host is master Shenghui. The architecture of Nanputuo temple is alsounique. Now, let's go to visit it with Xiao Wu. The time we need is one and ahalf hours.

  Ladies and gentlemen, now please come with me to visit the temple. This isTianwang hall, inscribed by Zhao Puchu, former president of China BuddhistAssociation in 1981. Walking into the king's Hall of this day, Maitreya Buddha'seyebrows, eyes, ear lobes, shoulders, bare chest and navel, smiling, seems to bewaiting for every visitor. Maitreya Buddha was born in India, and later became amonk. The Buddha predicted that he would inherit Sakyamuni as the future Buddha,and become a Buddha under the Longhua tree after 5.766 billion years. It wasdivided into three parts to preach on behalf of Sakyamuni. What we see now isnot Maitreya Buddha in India. In most temples in China, the statue of fatMaitreya with a smile is worshipped. He was a monk of Qiji in the FiveDynasties. Today, he is a native of Fenghua, Ningbo. He often takes a cloth bagand travels around. He is carefree and always persuades people to believe inBuddhism. He is always smiling and kind to others. Therefore, people call him"cloth bag monk". Later, he was in Yuelin temple The stone sits on the groundand says: "Maitreya is true Maitreya, who is divided into tens of billions ofpeople and shows the world all the time. People realize that he is theincarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

  Behind Maitreya Buddha is Wei Tuo, who holds a Vajra pestle and is the Godof Dharma protection in Buddhism. It is said that if the Vajra pestle that WeiTuo carries in the temple indicates that the temple is a descendant temple. Itis not open to foreign traveling monks. They can eat two meals at most and cannot stay overnight. If Wei Tuo puts the Vajra pestle on his arm, it means thatthe temple is a forest of ten directions, and traveling monks can eat and sleepfor free Wei Tuo raised the Vajra pestle over his forehead, saying that thetemple charged a certain fee for the board and lodging of traveling monks.

  Nanputuo temple was originally a temple for descendants, so Weituo's Vajrapestle was on the ground, and later it was changed into a ten square jungle.However, this Weituo has not changed its shape. In fact, traveling monks can eatand sleep here for free.

  On both sides of the heavenly king hall are four heavenly kings,representing wind, tune, rain and shun. In the East, the heavenly king holds alute, which means tune. In the south, the heavenly king holds a sword, whichmeans wind. In the west, the heavenly king holds a ball, a snake or a dragon,which means Shun. In the north, it is often heard that the heavenly king holdsan umbrella, which means rain.

  Now we walk out of Tianwang hall, and the temple unfolds symmetrically onthe left and right sides with the central axis. Now, there are bell towers anddrum towers on the left and right sides. Generally, there are morning bells andevening drums in the temple. On the first floor of the bell drum tower, thereare bodhisattvas Tibetans and Kalan Bodhisattvas. Right in front of it is themain hall of the temple, which is a two-story building with double eaves restingon the top of the mountain, Green tiles, stone pillars, carved beams and paintedbuildings, glazed tiles on the roof, and magnetic paintings on the top of thehall, such as nine carp turning into dragon, Qilin running, dragon and Phoenixpresenting, are bright in color and resplendent in gold. The Nanputuo Templebegan in the Tang Dynasty. There is a couplet on the stone column in front ofthe Daxiong hall as evidence, "it dates back to the Tang Dynasty and Kaiyuan,and Puguang was glorified by Xiadao to Taiwu". In the Daxiong hall, there arethree Buddhas, namely the past Buddha, the present Buddha and the future Buddha.In the middle is the present Buddha, namely Sakyamuni Buddha. It is said thatthere is a real person, originally named Qiao Damo. Siddhartha, the son of KingJingfan in ancient India, was 19 years old when he traveled in Si men. Herealized the state of life and death, so he decided to become a monk in order toget rid of the hardship of life and death. Finally, after hard practice, herealized under the bodhi tree and became the present Sakyamuni. Standing on bothsides of Sakyamuni are his two disciples Ananda and Kaya. In front of them is athousand handed Avalokitesvara. In the back of the hall, there are three Westernsaints, amitabha in the middle, Guanyin Bodhisattva on the left and dashizhiBodhisattva on the right.

  There are 18 Arhats on the left and right of the main hall. It is said thatwhen Arhats were introduced to China, there were only 16 Arhats. Later, masterQingyou, the author of the book of fazhuji, and the translator of the bookXuanzang were added.

  Ladies and gentlemen, this is the great mercy hall, dedicated to GuanyinBodhisattva. Because Guanyin Bodhisattva is also known as the great mercyGuanyin Bodhisattva, it is called the great mercy hall. The original name ofGuanyin is Guanyin, Guanyou. The meaning of compassion is to give peoplehappiness and remove sorrow. There are four Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas in thehall. They are arranged in four directions. In the middle of the hall is adouble arm Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, sitting on the lotus seat with eyeshanging down, with a serene look. The other three are 48 arm Avalokitesvara,each with a small eye carved on its hand, holding a variety of artifact and aposture. Visitors and pilgrims must visit and worship here. The main hall is awooden structure with octagonal triple eaves, all of which are made of bucketarches. The caisson in the hall is made of wooden bucket arches instead of onenail. Because the incense is too abundant, it has been burned many times here,so friends who want to burn incense later, please don't bring the incense to thehall, just burn it outside the hall.

  In the front is the Sutra Pavilion, which is the highest floor of the mainbody of the central axis. The pavilion has a unique architecture, with a Chineseand Western charm. The top is a Xieshan roof, the bottom is a westernarchitecture, with double eaves and double attics. The upper floor is SutraPavilion, the lower floor is Dharma hall, and the second floor has a spaciousroof. It contains the blood scriptures written by believers and Shami in thelate Ming Dynasty, as well as the works of the famous artist he Chaodong, whiteporcelain Guanyin, Burmese white jade Reclining Buddha and so on.

  Ladies and gentlemen, follow me up the mountain. Here is a big Buddhacharacter. It is the largest temple in Southern Fujian. It is more than 4 metershigh and 3 meters wide. It was written by Zhenhui in the 31st year of Guangxureign of the Qing Dynasty.

  Now, please come back with me. Nanputuo is the base of Buddhist highereducation in China. This is Minnan Buddhist College. It was founded in 1925.Master Huiquan, the chair of Nanputuo at that time, was the first president ofthe college. He took the college as an educational experimental garden forreforming Chinese monks, making it a famous Buddhist higher educationinstitution at home and abroad. In 1937, the Anti Japanese army was established,and the college was closed down. In 1985, it was opened again After the formalresumption, president Zhao Puchu rewrote the courtyard. Now there are twodepartments for men and women. The men's department is in Nanputuo, and thewomen's courtyard is in zizhulin temple in Jinbang park. Each president of thecollege is currently presided over by Nanputuo, so the current president isshenghuishi.















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