西安钟楼导游词 篇1西安城墙除明代在东、西、南、北有四个门:长乐门、安定门、永宁门、安远门外,随着岁月的变迁,城门也发生种.种变化。现在我们除了可以看到这四个门,还可以看到:勿幕门、朱雀门、含光门、玉祥门、中山门、尚德门、建国门、和平门、文昌门等等,这些名称的来历也从一个侧面反映了古城沉浮衰兴。
钟楼的西北角上陈列着一口明代铁钟,重5吨,钟边铸有八卦图案。这口钟建造以明成化年间,也就是公元1465年1487年间。但它比钟楼早先悬挂的铜钟却小得多了。钟楼原先悬挂的巨钟是唐代景云年间铸造的 景云钟。现在这口钟收藏于西安碑林。据说,钟楼从迎祥观迁到今址后,虽然楼的式样大小并没有改变,但景云钟却怎也敲不响了陕西西安钟鼓楼、城墙_小三峡_西安古城墙导游词3篇演讲稿。没有办法,只有另换。对于景云钟不响的原因,有人认为它是历世久远,神武有灵 ,不愿被热挪动;也有人说,钟置于室内正好像是 待瓮以呼 ,当时应该移到楼外。但无论如何,这给钟楼的历史又添上一层神秘的色彩。
为了将景云钟移到新建的钟楼上,当年在西大街西段搭起一座斜桥,利用桥面斜坡把景云钟运到了钟楼上。据说 桥梓口也因此而得名。钟楼内西墙上嵌刻有《钟楼歌》和《钟楼记》碑刻。《钟楼歌》是当年修建钟楼的陕西巡抚龚懋贤在解职赴京时登楼所赋
与钟楼遥遥相对的是鼓楼。鼓楼位于钟楼的西北角。鼓楼楼底门洞为南北向,北通北院门,南达西大街。鼓楼建于明太祖洪武十三年,也就是公元1380年,比钟楼要早四年,与钟楼是姊妹楼。在鼓楼的第一层北面有一面巨鼓,与钟楼上的晨钟形成暮鼓,所以称为鼓楼。鼓楼占地1999平方米,建筑面积1804平方米。楼体呈长方形,总高33米,基座高8米。基座的门洞高与宽均为6米,洞深38米。鼓楼建筑为重檐歇山式,琉璃瓦覆顶,重檐三滴水。楼分上、下两层。南北檐下各有一块匾,每块匾重约3吨。南边的匾额是:文武盛地 ,为清乾隆皇帝御笔刻书。北面的匾额为 声闻于天,是咸宁县书生李允宽书写。在鼓楼的外檐都饰有斗拱,四面有回廊陕西西安钟鼓楼、城墙_小三峡_西安古城墙导游词3篇陕西西安钟鼓楼、城墙_小三峡_西安古城墙导游词3篇。在鼓楼的三楼有14根红色显柱,24根隐柱交叉立。里面挂有3只大宫灯,12盏中宫灯,16盏小宫灯。天花板上油漆彩绘云形图案,古色古香,十分美丽。1953年,国家拨款对鼓楼进行了大修,设立了文管所,精心保护,使鼓楼更加秀丽巍峨。现在,钟鼓楼交相辉映,使古城西安更加美丽壮观。
西安钟楼导游词 篇2今天我们将去参观西安城墙、钟楼和鼓楼。很荣幸能为大家服务。
西安钟楼导游词 篇3Hello, everyone. I'm the tour guide along the bell tower and the city wall.The bell of __ bell tower interprets the simplicity of the ancient city of Xi'anand the richness of this historical ancient city. In the next few days, whileenjoying the scenery along the walls of the bell and Drum Tower, you can alsofeel the other side of the charm of the ancient city of Xi'an, that is, Xi'an'sfood culture. Speaking of Xi'an's food, can you tell us what are the more famoussnacks in Xi'an?
Xi'an's food culture is full of rich northwest customs. Tasting Xi'an'ssnacks is a great pleasure to visit Xi'an. Whether it's mutton steamed bun,which has always been loved by Xi'an people, or the famous "Xi'an DumplingBanquet" at home and abroad, it has distinctive local characteristics.
On my right hand side are two buildings imitating Ming and Qing Dynasties.I wonder if you have noticed the striking sentence on the building: "eternalflavor dumpling fragrance, legendary quality tefachang". Yes, this is thewell-known Chinese time-honored tefachang at home and abroad. Tefachang isfamous for its dumpling feast. If you want to taste it, you can go with eachother to feel the extraordinary things of DeFaChang after our trip. At the sametime, I also tell you a very unfortunate thing: I haven't tasted the dumplingshere! But I think since it has the name of eternal flavor, it must be worthy ofits name. After finishing the dumplings, some people will ask where the muttonsteamed bun is Is there any place for sale? Please follow me. We can clearly seethat there is a restaurant with the same architectural style next to DeFaChang -tongshengxiang. At the gate of tongshengxiang, we will inadvertently notice asculpture. Can you tell which of the eight monsters in Shaanxi is displayed bythis sculpture? (don't sit up on the stool.) tongshengxiang is mainly engaged inbeef and mutton steamed buns, various special snacks, and integrates traditionalcharacteristics with modern fashion. So when you come to this place for dinner,I think you will feel the diversity of Xi'an culture Colorful!
Through the bell and Drum Tower Square, we now arrive at the magnificentand elegant Drum Tower. On both sides of the street are antique buildings, andthere are all kinds of famous Xi'an snacks. So I want to ask you, what is themost famous snack street in Xi'an? It goes without saying that it is the Huisnack street. If tourists come to Xi'an have a chance to come to the Hui snackstreet I think it's not only because of the huge number of food shops andjewelry shops on both sides of the street, but also because of the profoundcultural connotation of the street.
Huimin Street generally refers to the North-South street from Gulou toBeiyuanmen, but sometimes it also includes Huajue lane, Xiyang city andDapiyuan. As the name suggests, Hui Street is a place where Hui people livetogether. Xi'an Huimin street is a street in Huimin District, about 500 meters,characterized by bluestone paving and green trees
Chengyin, on both sides of the road are antique buildings imitating theMing and Qing Dynasties. The shops on both sides are mainly engaged in cateringand some accessories with Shaanxi characteristics, and they are all operated byHui people, with strong halal characteristics, which are deeply loved by foreigntourists.
The restaurants you see on both sides of the street are authentic Muslimhotels. There are several famous restaurants, such as halal Pingwa barbecueshop, Jia Sanguan soup bag, fried rice with red and red pickled cabbage,Laosun's mutton steamed bun in Dapiyuan, etc. There is also an interestinglegend about Xi'an mutton steamed bun. It is said that Zhao Kuangyin, theemperor of the Song Dynasty, was trapped in Chang'an before he became emperor.He lived a life of drinking and starving all day. One day he came to a shop thatwas cooking beef and mutton. The shopkeeper saw that he was very pitiful, so heasked him to break his own dry steamed bun. Then the shopkeeper poured aspoonful of boiling broth and put it in the kitchen Cook well on the fire. ThenZhao Kuangyin ate the meal, and he felt that it was the best food in the world.Later, Zhao Kuangyin became emperor. One day, when he passed Chang'an, he stillcould not forget the beef and mutton steamed buns he had eaten here. He went tothis restaurant with the Minister of culture and military to eat a bowl of beefand mutton steamed buns. After eating, he still felt delicious, so he rewardedthe shopkeeper. Since then, as soon as the story of the emperor eating paomospread, beef and mutton paomo has become a famous snack on Chang'an Street. SuDongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, once wrote a hymn that"there is Xiong La in Longxi, and only sheep soup in Qin cuisine". So if youhave a chance, you must taste the local folk flavor.
In fact, in the street of Hui people's snacks, there are many ornamentswith local characteristics for you to choose from. You can see that theseornaments are full of variety. For example, there are terracotta warriors andhorses ornaments, the eighth wonder of the world. You can buy one or two as amemorial to Xi'an. At the same time, we can notice that there are manychildren's tiger shoes, big red hats and so on. As we all know, red representsauspiciousness and Ruyi, so I think it is necessary for you to buy somesouvenirs in Huimin street.
Just now we said that the Hui people's snack street has a profound culturalconnotation. Who knows its origin? As early as more than 1000 years ago in theHan Dynasty, the Hui people's street once served as the starting point of theSilk Road, welcoming merchants, envoys and students from ancient Arabia, Persiaand other places. So these people are the later Hui people. According tohistorical records, many people along the silk road came to the bustling city ofChang'an, where they did business, studied abroad, and became officials. Today,it has become a community of more than 60000 Hui Muslims. As a place for theinheritance of Islamic culture, there are still many cultural relics of the TangDynasty, such as the light gate, the west gate gate group of the Ming Dynasty,many well preserved mosques and Taoist Town God's Temple, five Buddhist temples,and the Lamaism Guangyuan temple. Many streets in the block have a strongIslamic style, with Muslim Food City, ethnic shopping center, mosque and Muslimliving area.
As you can see now, the temple is located in Huajue lane. It was built inthe first year of Tianbao, Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. It has a history of morethan 1200 years. After several renovations and extensions in song, yuan, Mingand Qing Dynasties, it gradually formed a huge ancient architectural complexwith the style of Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is large-scale, compact,harmonious and solemn. Its architectural style embodies the organic unity ofIslamic culture and Chinese traditional architectural art. It is one of the mostdistinctive, well preserved and typical Chinese style mosques in China so far.The temple is divided into five courtyards, covering an area of 13000 squaremeters. After 30 years of renovation by the government and the temple, not onlythe original appearance of the temple has been maintained, but also a lot of newMing and Qing buildings in line with the style of the temple have beenadded.
It is believed that through the effective protection of the culture in thisarea, Xi'an Hui historical district will become a tourist attraction that canreflect the cultural characteristics, loess culture and Muslim culture ofXi'an.
Next, we will go to our next stop - Xi'an ancient city wall. On the way tothe ancient city wall, I will briefly introduce the scenic spots along the way.What is worth mentioning is the ancient culture street,
From the south of the bell tower in Xi'an, when you get to the south gate,and then turn east, you can see the ancient culture street of Shuyuan gate.There is a tall archway with ancient charm at the entrance of the street. Abovethe archway are three gold faced characters of "Shuyuan gate". On both sides areeye-catching couplets of "the forest of Steles collects national treasures, andthe Academy cultivates outstanding people". From this couplet, we can easily seethe theme of the street. Obviously, the gate of the academy has more poeticcharm than the Hui snack street we just introduced. If you are interested, youcan visit the gate of the Academy. Maybe you will have more harvest here.
That's all for the explanation from the bell and drum tower to the citywall. If you don't know anything else, just ask me, and I'll try my best toanswer it for you. At the same time, I sincerely hope you can have a good timein Xi'an!
西安钟楼导游词 篇4各位游客大家好!
城墙最外围是护城河,也叫" 城壕", 是城墙的第一道防线。它可以阻滞敌人进攻, 甚至可以利用有利地形把敌人趁机消灭。环绕陕西西安城墙的护城河宽20米,跨过护城河就是城门,而连接护城河与城门的唯一通道就是吊桥。平时,守城士兵听从晨钟暮鼓的指挥,早晨降下吊桥,开启城门;晚上升起吊桥,断绝交通。一旦发生战争,吊桥升起,城门紧闭,城门就成为坚固封闭的战斗堡垒。
西安钟楼导游词 篇5Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the ancient city of Xi'an. Nice to meetyou. I'm your tour guide this time. My name is Xu chenxuan. Just call me Xu Daoor Chen Xuan. Now let's start the journey of Xi'an ancient city wall!
First of all, I would like to briefly introduce the ancient city wall ofXi'an. The ancient city wall of Xi'an is also called Xi'an Ming city wall. It islocated in the central area of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The height of the wallis 12 meters, the top width is 12-14 meters, the bottom width is 15-18 meters,and the outline is a closed rectangle with a perimeter of 13 meters. 74kilometers. The city wall is used to be called the ancient city area, with anarea of 11 square meters. With an area of 32 square kilometers, the famous belland Drum Tower in Xi'an is located in the center of the ancient city.
In front of us is the main gate of the city wall. There are four gates likethis: Changle gate (East Gate), Yongning gate (South Gate), Anding gate (WestGate) and Anyuan gate (North Gate). The four gates were the original gates ofthe Ming city wall. Because of the military and defense needs at that time, theywere all single door caves, and they all built three walls, and Weng city wasformed between the two walls. So far, except Yongning gate, only two walls areleft in the other three gates.
OK, here's your free time. Please gather here in an hour.
西安钟楼导游词 篇6The bell tower is located at the intersection of the East, West, South andNorth streets in Xi'an. It was used to ring the bell in the early morning inancient times, so it is called the bell tower. Since its completion, the belltower has been regarded as a symbol of the ancient city of Xi'an and is now akey cultural relic protection unit in Shaanxi Province. It is the largest andbest preserved bell tower left over from ancient China. Xi'an is an importantmilitary and political town in Northwest China in Ming Dynasty. Its bell towerranks the first in terms of architectural scale, historical value and artisticvalue in China.
The bell tower was built in 1384. The base of the clock tower is square,covering an area of 1377.4 square meters, 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide,all of which are built with green bricks. The building is of brick and woodstructure, 36 meters high. The external eaves have three layers, but theinternal eaves have only two layers. The eaves of the building have fourcorners, and the eaves are decorated with painted brackets. "Dou Gong" is one ofthe characteristics of ancient wooden buildings in China. It is also unique inthe history of world architecture. It can not only make the building stronger,but also more beautiful. Dougong appeared in Shang Dynasty. We can see acomplete picture of Dougong on the patterns of Chinese bronzes.
Features: the bell tower was built in 1384 A.D. in the 17th year of Hongwureign of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming Dynasty. It was named after the iron bellhanging on the tower. When it was first built, it was located at today's Guangjistreet, facing the drum tower. In the 10th year of Wanli reign of emperorShenzong of the Ming Dynasty (1582 AD), Gong Xian, the imperial envoy of xun'an,presided over the relocation of the bell tower. The bell tower is a typicalarchitectural style of the Ming Dynasty, with double eaves and Dougong,high-rise and slightly upturned eaves.
Anecdote of giant Bell: on the northwest corner of the bell tower is a MingDynasty iron bell, weighing 5 tons, with eight trigrams patterns cast on theside of the bell. It was built in the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty(1465-1487). But it is much smaller than the bronze bell that hung in the belltower earlier. The huge bell originally hung in the bell tower is the "Jingyunbell" cast in the Jingyun period of the Tang Dynasty (now stored in the forestof Steles Museum). It is said that after moving to the present site, althoughthe style and size of the building have not changed, the Jingyun bell will neverring. No choice but to change.