



2023英文自我评价 篇1

  Since the work, in the company under the leadership of the careful guidance, through their own continuous efforts, whether ideological, learning or work, have made considerable development and huge gains.

  Strong sense of responsibility, strong ability of adaptability, attentive attitude, with more than * years of financial management experience and * years of accounting firm management experience, good coordination and communication skills, good at communication, with a certain leadershipAbility, in character, honesty and trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, humility, optimism; in the business, with overall business processing and good professional judgment ability, good at financial analysis, proficient in financial tax system, can complete the financial work independently.Familiar with the use of national tax, land tax, finance, banking, industry and commerce, statistical statements and anti-counterfeit tax control software, skilled use of computers to solve financial problems.

  I think it is a responsible, positive, hard-working people, because like English, so engaged in the work, hoping to use their own learning to work to improve their own at the same time, bring benefits to the company! And in the work summary is good at finding their own shortcomings and efforts to correct.

  Three years of business sales to teach me the basic concept of communication with others, smiling others, in good faith to be. In order to have a better practice platform, I will continue to exercise to improve themselves and I hope to use my beautiful youth, to ignite the surrounding every guest for our cause dedication, progress, a better tomorrow.

2023英文自我评价 篇2

  Able to work efficiently, rigorous work, self-responsibility; having a sense of responsibility and commitment; good at learning has a strong ability to adapt to new technologies have great enthusiasm, willing to accept new challenges with a team spirit and collective sense of honor; do there are some innovative things.


2023英文自我评价 篇3


  photoshop/illustrator/dream weaver等图形设计软件。擅长广告、平面设计。有一定的管理策划能力。


  I myself like art this profession, since high school I've been specializing in graphic design, unique design ideas, although I have not graduated, but I have mastered

  photoshop / illustrator / dream weaver and other graphic design software. Specializes in advertising, graphic design. There are certain management planning ability.

  I love creative, advertising work and achieved some success in practice.My four years of professional learning for me in this industry has laid a solid foundation, I am confident that your company's qualified creative work.

2023英文自我评价 篇4

  本人热爱生活,性格开朗活泼,乐观向上,乐于助人,乐于进取,积极勤奋,有团队精神,拥有充实的专业知识,也有独立的思维能力,工作态度认真,乐于与人交往,对艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,从小热爱绘画,热爱设计,在校期间曾参加过班级和校园的绘画展览,手绘能力强,熟练cad, 3d max,


  I love life, cheerful and lively, optimistic, helpful and willing to be proactive and hardworking, team player, with substantial expertise, but also independent thinking ability, work attitude, happy with people of art has a strong interest, childhood love of painting, love the design, during the school had participated in the exhibition of paintings campus classes and strong drawing skill, skilled cad, 3d max,

  photoshop, coreldraw and other design software have some relevant work experience, many large-scale painting interior renderings, my blog has its own design 3d renderings. hopes to become a major part of business, be sure to do their future ability to your business a force.

2023英文自我评价 篇5

  Since June 26, 20xx to join cosmetics has been four months and sixteen days, during this period, every day seems to me to progress and test, every day can be fruitful, including ideas , Including technology, including doing things, including life. Joined is the first position I have just entered the community, is also the beginning of my work arena, in this stage I have a clear understanding of their above and their short, clear understanding of their future development goals and Direction, which are promoted with the manager and teaching are inseparable relationship, in the first thank the manager for my help and guidance.

  I think my internship during the growth has the following aspects:

  First, in thinking, the first out of the student-style thinking, and gradually formed to adapt to production and management of the strict pragmatic accurate and flexible mode of thinking, all from the reality, refuse to careless and perfunctory, problems immediately resolved, Not dragging its feet, pushing three resistance four. Second, we must develop good habits of hard-working, in production, the technical staff should always stick to their jobs above, even if it is overtime, stay up late have to stand post, due diligence, establish a completely independent positive sense of work, Difficult, self-discipline, wide to treat people, their bitter to eat more, do something, so that they get better exercise and faster development.

  Second, in terms of technology, since entering the , has experienced a variety of product development and production, these research and development process is gradually in the bit by bit the success of exploration, including day cream, night cream, eye cream, emollient Milk, shampoo, talcum powder, mascara, liquid foundation, face color, nail polish, etc. These research and development process also witnessed the company's growing and increasingly rich products, when a product is successful, the hearts of joy , Before the experience of bitter contemplation and the troubles brought about by the brains also will disappear. Of course, each product for me is a gestation process, each behind a product has a very long story, including the choice of raw materials and ordering, evolution and improvement of thinking, technology maturity and improvement of the project The summary and record, and many other processes, these processes are usually associated with the accumulation of knowledge, recall every success and failure, are their own little progress.

  Third, in terms of personal service, into the is my first step into the community, with the help of managers and colleagues, I gradually adapt to the company's environment and the work of the content to learn some of the advantages and improvements Their own shortcomings, and get along with people and cooperation have made no small achievement, of course, there are lessons of failure. Today's society is the coexistence of competition and cooperation in the community, enterprises need to be competitive, employees need to cooperate, these two aspects are complementary. I will work in the future will pay more attention to this point, to achieve the most perfect cooperation between colleagues and the state.

  In short, into the I do not regret the choice, but also I am proud of the choice, during the internship, I experienced a failure also tasted success, made mistakes have been praised, this is the growth to go through every step. I am honored to join the company, but also very honored to grow with the company. I will summarize my shortcomings, to play my director, to continue to maximize the development of the company to do my best.

2023英文自我评价 篇6

  Cheerful, modest and stable dynamic, others warm and sincere. Have strong organizational skills, practical ability, team spirit and communication skills up and down. It has a high technical level and site management experience. It can be hard to adapt to a variety of environments and integrated into one.


2023英文自我评价 篇7

  To participate in real estate sales have been two years of working time, during this time through their own temper, with the help of the leadership, I have become a qualified sales staff, to complete the sales task of the real estate sales industry More profound understanding, and is still in continuous efforts to make their ability to scale new heights.

  As a member of the real estate sales department, I feel deeply shoulder heavy responsibility. As the enterprise's facade, business window, his words and deeds also represent a corporate image. So more to improve their own quality, high standards of their own requirements. On the basis of high-quality but also to strengthen their professional knowledge and professional skills. In addition, but also a broad understanding of the real estate market dynamics, walk in the forefront of the market.

  The ups and downs of the real estate market turmoil, the company in and joint venture company, to complete the sales work. During this time, I actively cooperate with the company's employees, sales for the purpose of the company under the guidance of the leadership to complete the development of operating prices, before the Spring Festival planning to complete the advertising campaign for the month of sales climax to lay The foundation. And finally the month to complete the contract amount million good results and ended. After the baptism of this enterprise, comrades have gained a lot of expertise, so that all aspects of their all improved.

  In the future I should seriously sum up, timely reflection, and more to others to learn, so that their continuous progress, increasingly perfect. So that they become an elite in the field of sales, and the company common development and create a better future!

2023英文自我评价 篇8

  自入学以来,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。 本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。

  Since admission, we have complied with the rules and regulations of the school, have good moral quality, excellent performance in all aspects.We have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. I correct thinking, hard working, have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, develop good lifestyle, helpful, concerned about national affairs.

2023英文自我评价 篇9

  Good command of computer skills:familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software,obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Photoshop and Dreamwaver。


  Completed all the courses in the specialized field,obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental skill;Very adaptable and good at learning ;I won the national first-class scholarship。


  Easygoing and congenial,with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit。


  Fluent in oral English,with fairly good of reading and writing ability;Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese。


  Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.


2023英文自我评价 篇10

  Three months of the trial period to an instant, in the three months, I quickly adapt to the new work, into the new team, also received the recognition of colleagues and leaders, but there are some deficiencies , I think these are worth to sum up, to think, to improve. In the work of the department, I have been strict demands on themselves, earnestly and timely completion of the leadership of each assignment, and humbly learn from colleagues, and constantly correct deficiencies in the work; for the Group and the company system and regulations are carefully studied and Strict implementation; In addition, I have a strong team spirit, can be very good coordination and communication, with the department heads to implement and complete the company's work, and enthusiastic to help other colleagues, and get along and harmonious.

  I remember when I first came to the parties are not very familiar with the surrounding colleagues and leaders have given me a great help, so I finished as soon as possible the positioning of team roles. Now the job is the sales statistics analysis and settlement, is responsible for the preparation of the daily control table table, as previously engaged in related jobs, the ERP system operation and EXCEL data processing is quite skilled, so get started up faster , Only one week's time alone can take on the preparation of daily sales statements. Although the daily report preparation machinery and more repetitive, but I realized that duplication of work can be excavated many non-repetition of the work in the preparation process can learn new terminology, learn how to save time and improve work efficiency and so on.In the settlement work, in addition to high demand to complete the preparation of the balance sheet, but also efforts to do the sales department and the communication between the Finance Department, with the Finance Department review. In addition to their own work, but also actively cooperate with other departments, such as the marketing department of the monthly sales data packets are I help them update the new data packets, in fact, other departments can complete the work alone, but they provide data, And 18 yards are not familiar with, spend more time, if I spend an hour for others to save 2 hours, this thing is worth doing.

  At the same time, but also clearly aware of their own shortcomings, especially for the sale of this settlement can not do 100% of the well-thought, in fact, each job takes some time to become familiar with, to precipitation, this 3 months, Internship accounted for 2 weeks, behind the sales of elite competition and new employee training, and then remove the holidays, the real time to operate this post is not much, and now only able to complete the hardware discounts and simple promotional settlement, I think this is I lack the place, but also I will strengthen the local staff to the positive evaluation of self-evaluation of employees to positive self-evaluation evaluation.

  In short, after three months of probation, I think I can be active, active, skilled to complete their work in the work to find problems, and actively cooperate with the requirements of the company to work, and colleagues can be very good Coordination and coordination. In the future work I will, as always, people: people with good work, to perfect, and constantly upgrade their level and the overall quality, with a view to the development of the company to do their part. Turnaround does not mean that the treatment will be better, more importantly, from the moment they have been a formal Dongfeng Nissan employees at work must be more stringent requirements on their own, sincere communication, do a good job.

2023英文自我评价 篇11

  Strong team spirit, strong communication skills, can quickly integrate into the team, and play their own professional standards for the company to create new value.

  Have a strong sense of responsibility; a team spirit, passion, a strong organizational and communication skills; serious, careful, responsible; master office software, good logical thinking ability, there are many years 500 Multinational companies overseas work experience; have good intercultural communication skills and interpersonal skills; can use fluent English to communicate with people and handle documents, have excellent ability to read and write.

2023英文自我评价 篇12

  Under the leadership of the teacher we lined up into the Shaanxi flames limited liability company's production workshop, after the relevant person in charge of the distribution I and the other four students were assigned to the bakelite workshop.

  Into the workshop, the master of the workers on the performance of our very happy, enthusiastic greeting me, as far as possible to me to introduce me to do the work, I just came in a sense of tension swept away. In the workers under the master's explanation we understand the next week's work content. And found that we seem to be doing a great cause, because we processed the antenna is to be installed in the tank above. And many of these antennas are sold abroad. The thought of their use of the antenna in some of their own to do, and my heart can not say proud.

  The antenna body has four sections, connected to one from the low to high diameter in turn, from the bottom to the top in turn; a connecting base, 2 with a fixed rope, fixed rope and a metal, is used to connect the antenna , The main package a total of 7 positions, 7 accessories can be loaded into, and then a line of the rope, the antenna package folded up.easy to carry.

  Our work that trouble to not trouble, but need to have enough patience.The first is to use a small blade to a white plastic end of a dust removal.Because the blade is very hand the school is very difficult to take, a long time, the hand will be blisters, even though we have to clean up, or inevitable, but the thought of these workers uncle for decades to do the job, admiration Feeling arises spontaneously. They are for the motherland of tomorrow, not afraid of suffering, then we have nothing to fear.

  The second task is to remove the antenna under the core, there is the fiberglass shell to the gelatinization treatment, it seems simple, it is not true, because the plastic outside the plastic film is very hard, accidentally cut Finger, the master of the workers in the explanation, we found a small hand does not cut the hand tips. The third task is the casing, in order to prevent the antenna interference, will use the plastic tube to isolate the antenna.

  The fourth work has a good name to listen to this is a high-tech live, in a one-meter-long plastic tube wearing a thin copper wire is only 0.3 mm.Really is not an easy thing, even more depressing is that sometimes when you wear to the end of the moment, just so bad 2 cm, just can not pass, and my heart that hate Egypt do not know who invented the antenna practice, although complaining There are still, but we still learn to make fun of, we five people started the game, to see who wear the fast and. In this way the work was also very easy to solve. We summed up the truth - do not just have the patience to do this, there is another condition, that is luck, good luck, smooth. Bad luck, then move.

  The fifth task is welding, this welding is different from the radio welding, it is the soldering iron fixed, mobile components to complete the welding. As the temperature is high, it requires us to fast, accurate, and requires a beautiful weldment.

  The sixth task is to insulate small transformers with insulating varnishes.This work is the most easy to complete. Is the best learning.

  The seventh job is the mat, although good to do, but need a little effort.Because there are many components will not affect the role of the antenna, so even if the production is not very qualified, in order not to waste, will continue to use. This requires a little more effort.

  The eighth task is to tie the line, it sounds very easy to do it is not simple. The reason is not only to tie, but also tied labor, so as not to tamper with the antenna in the glass tank. Worker master taught us to tie the method, the beginning of the tie is very awkward, tied the number of more, even find work is the door to fun.

  Week internship is the deepest feelings of some of the Fiberhome Group of dedicated workers. Here the workers are very amiable and friendly people, often some humorous words to our work to add fun. The most touching is that when we can not personally participate in the Olympic torch relay, they play radio for us so that we hear the whole process of tracking the torch relay.

  The rapid development of modern science and technology era, the types of high-tech products more and more, production technology and production processes are also different. But no matter what kind of products, from raw materials to produce products are processed to follow certain production principles, through a number of major equipment and process to complete. And never try to use machines instead of manual, no matter how fast the machine can not replace human labor. And this is not only labor, or passion to pass.

2023英文自我评价 篇13

  I graduated in July 20xx, Liaoning Engineering University Civil Engineering (civil engineering) professional, has been working for a year now, in this short period of time more than a year I learned a lot of schools can not learn the knowledge, Vision, improve the professional and technical level and ability to work.

  After graduation, I worked at a China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd., in the construction of the Tianma Mountain Tunnel in the technical work. More than a year since both the theoretical knowledge or practical ability has been greatly improved. After taking part in the work, I found that my previous knowledge was helpful, but it was not enough to apply it to my work and it was very difficult to practice because of my own lack of work experience in construction. But I still hope for the job, in order to be able to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible for new jobs. I decided to start from scratch, I went to the site to participate in training, and field workers to work together to learn from the workers on-site experience.

  Active and on-site personnel communication, and constantly to the scene of experienced workers master learning, continue to accumulate, extensively absorb all kinds of "nutrition." And continue to learn professional knowledge, learning technical specifications, repeated research design, and actively communicate with colleagues to the site leadership study, through continuous work practice, increased their professional knowledge, but also improve their practical ability, the theory and practice of organic The combination of together. I have now been able to complete the daily work of the tunnel technology independently, such as self-inspection of the tunnel construction process, technical management and guidance of the tunnel construction site, tunnel construction industry information and communication and coordination with all aspects of work.

  In this year not only my ability to work with the technical level has been greatly improved, my ideological consciousness has also been further sublimation.As a party member, I worked hard every day at the construction site. I experienced hardships such as hardship, fatigue, loneliness and loneliness. I could say that the dedication of the party supported me in my hardships and hardships. , Throwing blood cast a golden iron in the brand. In working with the workers I found that most of them hard working, work diligently, from no complaints, this spirit of selfless dedication to me a great touch. In the exchange and everyone I learned how to face difficulties, how to behave, and establish a correct outlook on life, values.

  In the future work, their own to strengthen learning, to overcome shortcomings, and strive to make their professional and technical level can continue to improve. At the same time, I clearly understand that in order to adapt to the new situation of social development, we must continue to strengthen the theoretical study, especially new technology, new theory of learning, hard work, practice and growth in practice, accumulate work experience, improve Business skills and work for the company's development to make their own new and greater contributions.





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