



贵州百里杜鹃英语导游词 篇1

  Dear friends, this is "wucai road", also known as Wucha road. TheRhododendron here is bright and beautiful, colorful, walking here is like afairyland. The mountains, the roads and the flowers are charming. Year afteryear, people found that in the blooming season, the mountain road was likeclouds, so they changed the name of "Wucha road" to "wucai road". "Wucailu" is ascenic spot with more concentrated and complete varieties of Rhododendron. Thered ones are bright red, deep red, bright red, water red, meat red and pink; thewhite ones are pure white, yellow white, purple white, gray white and greenwhite; the purple ones are deep purple, light purple, red purple, deep redpurple, rose and rose; the yellow ones are cream yellow, goose yellow, lightyellow, green yellow and brown. The fresh rose color is Rhododendron rosette,the milky white dewdrop Rhododendron, the light red with purple is the charmingRhododendron, the light flesh color is the wrinkled skin Rhododendron, and therose color is the splendid Rhododendron. My friend, if you take a short rest onthe bench of the colorful Pavilion, look around, and then close your eyes, youwill feel that you are in the sea of flowers, clean and fresh, thinking aboutcarrying your children, inviting relatives and friends, and revisitingagain.


  Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to yuntailing. In the drizzle, therhododendrons here are surrounded by clouds, looming, with a hazy aestheticfeeling, so it is called "yuntailing".

  Standing in yuntailing, looking west, you can see (gesture): a string ofround stone bags come into your eyes. They are round, orderly arranged, nobleand elegant. They are called "a string of beads" by the local Qing Dynasty poetMr. Yang Yintong. He wrote a poem: "Lanyao stone teeth light smoke, it issuspected that it is a treasure bead.". There are many scholars in weiqi, whoare full of jade and jade. They are originated from the rocks and Xiujin, wherethe pearls are round. "

  My friend, please take back your sight and pay attention to your feet!Walking on the Qingshiban road in yuntailing, high and low, dense flowersconstantly come and go, dozens of big trunks cluster one stump, while the smallone has a single tree, and the shadow is horizontal. The high one has more thanone battle, and the Qiu branch stretches; the low one is small and exquisite.You see, the trunks of rhododendrons are very strange, just like a huge naturalbonsai. If you are willing to stay in the Yi family for three or five days, thehospitable host will bring out fragrant water flower wine and unique flavor offarm bacon. In the morning, I will take you to Huashan to suck the sweet andrefreshing Rhododendron dew and listen to the tender song of Zigui; in thedaytime, I will visit the Huapo dance and Lusheng dance of the Miao people, andthen enjoy the unique cross stitch, embroidery, weaving, batik and othertraditional minority folk crafts; At night, when the bonfire is on, you can joinhands with your compatriots of all ethnic groups to dance a song of WumengHuange, a symbol of national unity. The hundred mile azalea is like a jar ofstrong Zajiu. If you smack it lightly, you will get drunk. Maybe you just smellit lightly, as if your whole body is crisp, and you will enter the colorfuldream with the fragrance of azalea

  The number of flowers peak: 1

  Dear tourists, this is the "Flower Peak", the highest peak of the wholepudihua district. Here, you can have a look at all the flower peaks. Pleasecount how many flower peaks there are and how many kinds of rhododendrons thereare.

  There is a heroic feeling of condescending and instructing the landscapewhen you watch flowers here. When you climb high in your life, you are climbinghigh and your heart is climbing high (gesture). Look at the cliff on theopposite side, how magnificent! On the rock there is a rock with the shape ofhuangbang, called "Beijing News Gao Xuan". It is said that whenever the "XishanShuo Xiu" peak next to him cries and the handwriting on the "huangbang" appearsand disappears, there will be the sound of "dangdangdang" Gong in the rock.Soon, there will be posterity golden list titles at the foot of the two sides ofthe mountain. Therefore, local people often come to the imperial examination eraUnder the "imperial list", we pray for incense. Yang Yintong, a local poet ofthe Qing Dynasty, wrote a poem with emotion: "when the song crosses the peakfrom the path, the cliff is towering. Since the emperor's grace is so vast, whatyear is the flying literary grace jade. Please move your eyes: the whole flowerarea is continuous, one after another. You see, it's a dough Rhododendron. It'swrapped in silver makeup. It's a beautiful scenery of northern China. It lookslike a white crane playing in the water from a close view, and it looks like asea of clouds from a distance. Then look at the red azalea over there. Theflowers are as red as fire, especially warm, and colorful. Charming azalea,colorful, bright and gorgeous. Stepping into the flowers is like a dream world.If you can go to "soma villa" to taste the mellow of Yi's Zajiu, you will havethe feeling of "flowers are drunk and do not want to return home".


  Now we come to Shexiang ridge, where Lady Shexiang and Yi leader AI Cuifall in love.

  Shexiang was born in Guduo mountain village in Yongning (now in GulinCounty, Sichuan). She is tall, with a pink face and a crescent moon eyebrow. Shestudied calligraphy, weaves and Embroiders, plays and sings, is good at singingand dancing, riding and archery. When she laughs, a hundred birds fight and tenthousand flowers bloom; when she is angry, the mountains shake and the groundmove and the birds are silent. Among the Yi girls, one in a hundred is the mostbeautiful. In March of that year, I heard that AI Cui had set up a flower farmin fangjiaping at the foot of the Aru mountain in Zhijia. She invited girls andboys from all over the world to the party to compete in horse races and arrows.She Xiang has been admiring AI Cui's name for a long time and has come all theway to the party. As soon as she got here, she met AI Cui. AI Cui stops herhorse and asks for her marriage. She Xiang looked up and saw AI Cui's vigorousand extraordinary appearance. When she looked at her carefully, she found thatshe was over forty years old and had a beard. She could not help laughing andalmost got off the horse's back. AI Cui knew that she Xiang thought he was old,but she was not angry. She bowed to her respectfully and said in a loud voice,"I've been single for forty-three years, and I'm moved to heaven. If you don'tthink I have a beard, I'll be assistant to Shuixi Wan Min'an." When she saw thathe was sincere, she replied, "I'd like to marry three fires with one fist, but Idon't want to marry three feet with leaves. I'm going to test you. If you don'tlike it, go your own way. " AI Cui asked, "what's the test method?" She Xiangsaid, "first test Wen, then test Wu." AI Cui said, "I want it!" She Xiangthought about it and asked, "how many villages and villages are there in thewest of the river?" Ai Cui replied, "big villages are forty-eight, smallvillages are like stars." She Xiang asked, "how many rivers are there in thewest of the river?" Ai Cui answered, "there are twelve big rivers, and smallstreams are like veins." She Xiang asked, "how many poor and rich families arethere in Shuixi?" Ai Cui answered, "there are 800000 families in total. To behonest, they are nine poor and one rich." She Xiang listened to AI Cui'shonesty, so she stopped asking. Then they came to fangjiaping. She Xiang tookout a sharp arrow from the quiver and nailed it to a fir tree a hundred pacesaway. She said with pride, "head, please." AI Cui nods her head, pulls her bowwithout hesitation, and just shoots a "kite hawk takes the nest arrow" with SheXiang. AI Cui says with a smile, "amizi, it's a marriage!"

  When the good news spread, all the girls and young men came to celebratetogether, surrounded by Shexiang and AI Cui, and went down the mountain to getmarried. After more than a year of marriage, when she Xiang had a baby, theforeign countries sent troops to invade western Yunnan. The leader of WesternYunnan sent for help. AI Cui personally led the troops to rescue, andunfortunately died in western Yunnan. Since then, She Xiang, who was only 19years old, took the place of her husband and took charge of Shuixi. She is ableto manage not only agriculture, but also politics and business. It is popular inShuixi territory. In a few years, Shuixi, which was nine poor and one rich,became rich, making people of all ethnic groups live and work in peace andcontentment. In order to commemorate the combination of Shexiang and AI Cui,especially to praise the achievements of Shexiang, people named it "Shexiangridge". Every year on the third day of March, young men and women of all ethnicgroups go to the flower field here. Now, as long as you turn on the TV, the plotof Lady Shexiang will make you dream.

贵州百里杜鹃英语导游词 篇2

  Hello everyone, welcome to the picturesque Guizhou Baili Rhododendronscenic spot.

  Walking through Yingbin Avenue, you can see a variety of tents fortourists. Please don't worry, we will bring you to stay and eat in the evening.Follow the path to continue to browse, you will see the colorful azalea all overthe mountains. The Rhododendron here is slightly different from the commonRhododendron. Our rhododendrons are close to each other. There are about 20complete rhododendrons in such a cluster of various colors, which are 180degrees in full bloom. There is an excellent viewing platform not far ahead.Most of the Rhododendron slopes in the scenic area are expected. Please followme. This is the viewing platform. Look, from here, apart from the deep green seaof trees, there are countless beautiful rhododendrons, mysterious purple, rosered, milky pink It's like the colorful gems scattered by fairies in the sea oftrees, or the azalea blue accidentally knocked over by Guanyin.

  It's a great pity to watch the masterpieces of nature. In the distance,there are several white and flawless white clouds floating in the blue sky. Takea deep breath, you will feel a fresh and fresh air with a touch of fragrance andbursts of sweet fresh air, which makes you get rid of the noise of the city andtruly integrate into the wonderful nature. Such a beautiful azalea and such afresh air make us feel like we are in a dream! Calm down and listen carefully.The clear birds are playing a natural and harmonious forest symphony for you topurify your mind.

  It's getting late. Let's go back to the accommodation. (to theaccommodation area) goodbye, this tour guide is over, looking forward to yournext visit.

贵州百里杜鹃英语导游词 篇3

  It's hard to imagine the brilliance of the hundred Li Rhododendron forestin Guizhou.

  Rhododendron camara, Rhododendron dewdrop, Rhododendron rusticum,Rhododendron shuihong, Rhododendron fanhuaense, Rhododendron Meili, Rhododendronzihuaense... The land with an area of 250 square kilometers is like a largeflowerpot set up by God, dotted with the undulating mountains of GuizhouPlateau, and also bred a pure folk customs and feelings.

  Jinxiuhuahai Baili Rhododendron is located in four townships of Jinpo,Shiban, Xinjiu and Zhichang in Qianxi County, and two townships of Daqiao andPudi in Dafang County. More than 20 kinds of rhododendrons of different sizesand colors are gathered in the hilly area of more than 50 km in width of 1.2-5.3km. Each year, March and April is the peak flowering period, and the greenflowers all over the mountains are like snowballs. There are color red, lightred, peach red, purple, light purple, color yellow, light yellow, snow white,milky white and other colors, which are colorful and enthusiastic. A sea offlowers, the earth's brilliant smile.

  Into the world of flowers, you step into the dream of nature. Hundred Liazalea, return you a warm spring dream.

  Gather at 7:30 in the morning (tentative at the gate of Qianling Park) andtake the bus to the natural flower sea garden named Baili Azalea by Guibi road.You can see Liuguang River Bridge by car and arrive at the scenic spot at about11:30. The azalea with different colors are all over the mountain, and the greenflowers are like snowballs, which makes people dizzying. The scene of flowers isvery popular God leisure, will let you have a different new feeling. Afterlunch, take a bus to Jinpo or Pudi central flower area, where you can enjoyflowers and take photos freely. Then you can go to the best viewing spots in thescenic area: zuijiuniu and shuhuafeng to enjoy the colorful azaleas and takephotos freely. After the tour, return to Guiyang by bus.

贵州百里杜鹃英语导游词 篇4

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

  Welcome to visit Baili Rhododendron. My name is __. Please call me Xiao __.Please remember my mobile phone number for contact. It's a great honor to serveyou today. I will try my best to let you enjoy the beauty of the hundred mileazalea and let the beautiful azalea bloom in our hearts. I wish you good luckevery day and have a good dream every night. Please support and cooperate withme, pay attention to your own safety and keep your belongings during the tour.Please don't spit, throw (scraps of paper, peels, beverage cans, etc.) things,and don't throw lighted cigarette butts, pay special attention to forest fireprevention. After entering the scenic area, please don't pick flowers and trees,let's all be flower protectors, friends (guests), please.

  Baili Rhododendron is a National Forest Park, a provincial scenic spot anda nature reserve. It is the largest area and the most species of nativeRhododendron forest identified in China so far. It is known as "the earthribbon, the world garden, the health preserving and blessed land, the summerresort" and "the world natural garden". It has successively won the titles of"China's excellent tourist attractions", "China's excellent eco-tourismdestination most worthy of being recommended by the Embassy in China to theworld", "ten natural eco-tourism scenic spots in Asia and greater China", "tencharming scenic spots" and "ten influential scenic spots" in Guizhou, andnational low-carbon tourism Experimental Zone, etc., and is a national 4A leveltourist attraction. She is not only the "paradise of flowers and the wildernessof heart" for enjoying the beautiful azalea and washing away the dust of thecity, but also the "hometown of azalea and the ancient region of Yi" forappreciating the original ecological national culture and customs of Wumeng andexploring the beauty.

  Rhododendron Baili is located in the middle of Bijie Experimental Area inNorthwest Guizhou Province. It is the best preserved part of the originalvegetation in western Guizhou. The forest area is 7388 hectares. There are morethan 3000 hectares of dense Rhododendron forest, about 4000 hectares of sparseRhododendron forest and scattered Rhododendron forest. It has been identifiedthat there are 41 varieties of Rhododendron camara, Rhododendron dabaihuaense,Rhododendron shuihongensis and Rhododendron dewdrop, accounting for 4 of the 5subgenera of Rhododendron in the world. There are various designs and colors. Itopens from March to May every year, and the hundred mile flower mountain is ascolorful as a vast brocade. Rhododendron forest stretches more than 50kilometers, 1-5 kilometers wide, with a total area of 125.8 square kilometers,known as "the world's largest natural garden". Baili Rhododendron scenic spot isnot only a sea of Rhododendron and a world of Rhododendron, but also a primevalforest scenic spot with towering ancient trees, beautiful mountains and rivers,and rare birds and animals. There are 104 species of birds and 31 species ofmammals. Among them, clouded leopard and forest musk deer are the first levelprotected animals, while pangolin, leopard cat, kitten, red bellied pheasant,white bellied pheasant and white crowned pheasant are the second level protectedanimals. Ginkgo biloba and Taxus chinensis are the first class protected plantsin China. Secondary protection plants are Cinnamomum camphora, Magnoliaofficinalis and Camptotheca acuminata. There are 131 kinds of fungi. The ancientand famous trees include the thousand year old giant mulberry, the king ofOsmanthus fragrans, the king of Rhododendron, the Royal gingko and the ancientcatalpa in Shajiang. Baili Azalea National Forest Park is located in karstdevelopment area, forming a rich natural landscape. There are red rock peak andwhite rock peak in Pudi, five finger peak in Jinpo and other mountain landscape;there are magnificent huadiyan cliff landscape with cliffs like cutting; thereare strange stone landscape with whispering "a kiss for a thousand years"; thereare karst cave landscapes such as big pit cave, big nitrate cave and Bailongcave; the underground flow of MIDI River in Jiamu scenic area gushes out fromYanzidong gorge, with clear water and quiet beauty; There is also an ideal placeto rest and nourish the heart, such as Baili Azalea lake.

  Baili Rhododendron scenic area mainly inhabits Yi, Miao, Buyi and otherethnic minorities, with rich ethnic customs. In particular, the traditionalfestivals of Yi and Miao, such as Yi year, Torch Festival, flower arrangementFestival and tiaohuapo, are unique and fascinating; the music and dance of Yi,cuotaiji, is known as "the living fossil of drama and the ancestor of humanbeings"; the primitive and simple dance of Miao, such as Gunshanzhu, Lusheng,daguquan, is mysterious and attractive; The national and folk crafts such asembroidery, batik, weaving, lacquerware and costumes are unique; the specialfood of Shuixi such as Gongbao meat, gelding chicken and bean curd, Shaba driedbean curd and Rhododendron yellow cake are mouth watering; During theworld-famous Long March of the Red Army, Helong and shauke led the Red Army's26th corps to fight with the enemy in Wumeng Mountain area. The bronze statue ofHelong, the "huangjiaba memorial to the resistance war" in the scenic area, andthe newly completed Red Army square all record the fighting story of the RedArmy in Pudi on the way of the long march in February 1936 (February 18, 1936).Here we can pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who fought in blood inthose years.

  Baili Rhododendron scenic spot is divided into Pudi scenic spot, Jinposcenic spot, Renhe scenic spot and Dashui scenic spot. Now, we invite you to usethe eyes of your photographers and the hearts of artists to walk with me intothe sea of flowers and the magical world Baili Rhododendron scenic spot.

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贵州百里杜鹃英语导游词 篇12

  各位朋友,大家好,我是你们今天的导游“”今天我将带大家去百里杜鹃,百里杜鹃被誉为“地球彩带、世界花园、养生福地、避暑天堂” 贵州百里杜鹃风景名胜区是迄今为止中国已查明的面积最大的原生杜鹃林,,花区绵延50公里,宽1-5公里,总面积125.8平方公里,已查明有水红杜鹃、露珠杜鹃等41个品种,素有“杜鹃王国”、“世界天然大花园”诸多美誉。她既是览略百里烂漫杜鹃,洗尽都市纤尘的“花之天堂,心之旷野”,也是体味乌蒙原生态民族文化风情、探幽揽胜的“杜鹃花花乡、彝疆古城”



  2 引得天上的仙女都要偷偷下凡赏花,与花丛中的姑娘对歌跳舞。因此,这里就成为每年彝族的花节、苗族的跳坡节的理想场所,也是男女青年相亲的好场所。每到节日,身穿五颜六色的彝家、苗家姑娘及英俊的小伙子们在花间翩翩起舞,用歌舞表达相互的爱慕之情。有意愿在这里相亲的小伙、姑娘,你就留下来,参加他们歌舞,带一个回去。

  现在,我们所在的地方就是景区最为传神的景点之一—醉九牛,这个名字来源于一个动人的传说,据《南蛮史》记载:明洪武十七年,水西土司奢香夫人为维护西南边陲的安宁,进见朱元璋的贡品中,就有九头水西壮牛,但是当走到这里,不肯走了,为什么呢?那就是被色彩艳丽的杜鹃花迷住了,醉倒杜鹃花林中。奢香禀告朱元璋后,朱元璋对奢香说,就把那里叫“醉九牛”吧。醉九牛因此得名。 其实传说终归是传说,在“醉九牛”这个地方,当地的地名叫“九牛寨”,彝家人称为“举力寨”,也就是彝族人的寨子的意思。也不知道从什么时候有的,反正历史很远很远。九牛寨、醉九牛之间肯定有不可分割的联系,这就有待我们有兴趣的朋友去探秘了。


贵州百里杜鹃英语导游词 篇13


  百里杜鹃是国家级森林公园、省级风景名胜区和自然保护区,是迄今为止中国已查明的面积最大品种最多的原生杜鹃林,素有“地球彩带,世界花园,养生福地,避暑天堂”、“世界天然大花园”等诸多美誉。先后荣获“中国优秀旅游景区”、“最值得驻华大使馆向世界推荐的中国优秀生态旅游目的地”、“亚洲•大中华区十大自然原生态旅游景区”、 贵州“十大魅力景区”和“十大影响力景区”、全国低碳旅游实验区等称号,是国家4A级旅游景区。她既是览略百里烂漫杜鹃,洗尽都市纤尘的“花之天堂,心之旷野”,也是体味乌蒙原生态民族文化风情、探幽揽胜的“杜鹃花乡、彝疆古域”。

  百里杜鹃位于贵州省西北部毕节毕节试验区中部,属贵州西部原生地带植被中保存最好的一部分,林地面积7388公顷,有杜鹃密林3000多公顷、杜鹃疏林和散生林约4000公顷。现已查明,有马缨杜鹃、大白花杜鹃、水红杜鹃、露珠杜鹃等41个品种,占世界杜鹃花5个亚属中的4个。花色多样,绚烂生辉。每年3月到5月次第开放,百里花山色彩缤纷,犹如广袤的锦缎华章铺山盖岭,千姿百态。杜鹃花林绵延50多公里,宽1-5公里,总面积125.8平方公里,被誉为“世界上最大的天然花园”。百里杜鹃风景区不仅是杜鹃花的海洋、杜鹃花的世界,还是参天古树云集、山水林洞辉映、珍禽异兽栖息的原始森林旅游景区。境内有鸟类104种,兽类31种。其中国家一级保护动物有云豹、林麝 ,二级保护动物有穿山甲、豹猫、小灵猫、红腹锦鸡、白腹锦鸡和白冠长尾雉。国家一级保护植物有银杏、红豆杉。二级保护植物有香樟、厚朴、喜树。菌类有131种。古树名木有千年巨桑、桂花王、杜鹃花王、御赐银杏和沙江古刺楸等。百里杜鹃国家森林公园地处喀斯特发育地区,形成了丰富的自然景观。有普底的红岩峰、白岩峰,金坡的五指峰等山峰景观;有峭壁如削,蔚为壮观的花底岩悬崖景观;有窃窃私语的“千年一吻”奇石景观;有大坑洞、大硝洞、白龙洞等溶洞景观,戛木景区米底河伏流从燕子洞岩峡谷涌出,水流清澈,宁静秀丽;还有休憩养心的理想场所百里杜鹃湖等。





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