



仓管员英文自我评价 篇1

  I calm steady, outgoing personality, strong learning ability has the strong organization ability. Able to skillfully use office software/erp operation, understand the basic knowledge of marketing and other aspects of economy, in this year's work accumulated some knowledge in warehouse management.

  Solid professional knowledge, excellent grades; Has the strong organization coordinated ability, activity planning ability and public relations skills; Have good team spirit, good at communication and collaboration with others; Social practice ability strong, to accept new things ability. Have the good thought quality, the hobby is widespread, honest and trustworthy; Good at communication, have good language expression ability, can very good in English with foreigners fluent communication; The thought is agile, Work initiative high, serious and responsible work, bears hardships and stands hard work spirit.

  Strong self-learning ability, good at thinking, bears hardships and stands hard work, have good communication skills, good at getting along with others, good team cooperation spirit, love sports. But man is not perfect, still has some deficiencies in some respects, such as knowledge, social experience, etc.; But I'm sure these are all can learn through their own efforts to improve, I also is toward this direction diligently!

  Bell is ringing, graduation empress is the test of practice, only to find that in the middle of the internship, society is not as simple as I thought. In the face of the first job, will face too much lv, overcome from the difficulties. Inventory work for a warehouse tube - Richard - member is not strange, because it is a must work to be done every month. Everyone cannot have the effect of the other point of view, because the relationship to the understanding of the company's assets at the top and the beginning of the New Year can have a better, is a must for me.

  Inventory before, I like a cat on hot bricks, every day for the physical account, card, whether consistent but busy. But I'm busy are worth it, my job is to be sure, because my inventory work very well, this is I should be proud of, if the work is not good at ordinary times, inventory before again busy also useless. Even though the PanDian ended, a lot of good aspects I will continue to follow.

  In organizing, learning is also very big, I just contact the work, in the careful coaching of colleagues, serious do it will be necessary to separate from the discretionary, so-called necessities in post only necessities, refers to the items, often must be used without it, you must buy substitutes, otherwise it will affect the work. Whatever its use frequency per hour or every day use, are called necessities. The processing method is where often use, such as the telephone; Or carry, such as a pen. LiLi, therefore, the key is to use frequency usage is determine the benchmark, and then do the non-essential items in accordance with the use value, the no use value, respectively.

  I can do the second "consolidation", is must classify the goods in and out of the frequency, and according to the priorities, establish replenish onr's stock, delivery, inventory and other operation standard operating operationalization and institutionalized, and operated in accordance with the standardized and institutionalized; To analyze how to use, storage in the warehouse or the warehouse loading and unloading efficiency maximization, to maximize the use of space, and then enhance the company image, keep pace with modern marketing.

  During the work with serious, hard, work far point of view, the relationship between colleagues also very friendly, can unite as one. Observe the rules and regulations of the company, obey the arrangement of leadership, never appear lazy, late, leave early etc. Bad phenomenon.

仓管员英文自我评价 篇2

  I'm . I started in December 20xx, the company public service center warehouse staff positions, unknowingly has more than two months has been I have to practice their promises, and strive to do our best, and strive to achieve the best. After more than two months of training and practical operation, the warehouse operation process, shopkeeper system operation and use, warehouse daily inventory, location maintenance, storage operations and after-sale exception handling, the company's various departments of communication and collaboration have Preliminary grasp.

  After more than two months of practice is now able to independently complete the warehouse operation, and comply with the company's rules and regulations. Of course, there are still some shortcomings: their own learning is a logistics professional, but the logistics is not very comprehensive concept, hope in the future working hours can be more experience to make up for their own deficiencies. Team collaboration capabilities have yet to be enhanced, the logistics operating system can only be said to be "will" stage, some shortcomings also requested the competent and old staff a lot of help. Need to constantly learn to improve themselves.

  Continue to learn bread culture and business philosophy. At the same time in their own work can care and dedication to the perfect service, with colleagues efforts to improve efficiency and quality of work. Develop the habit of thinking and planning, do everything, do the professional, so that constant improvement to seek improvement. There is a saying called "learning endless; learn the old, so old," bread network is my social university, I am fortunate enough to make up for such a university in my lack of academic I am very happy, and I am grateful to bread network to me Opportunity for me to provide the perfect service. The future, I am confident that with my strengths and unremitting efforts, will certainly be recognized by the company. In this I propose to apply, hoping to become a public

仓管员英文自我评价 篇3

  I calm steady, outgoing personality, strong learning ability has the strong organization ability. Able to skillfully use office software/erp operation, understand the basic knowledge of marketing and other aspects of economy, in this year's work accumulated some knowledge in warehouse management.

  Solid professional knowledge, excellent grades; Has the strong organization coordinated ability, activity planning ability and public relations skills; Have good team spirit, good at communication and collaboration with others; Social practice ability strong, to accept new things ability. Have the good thought quality, the hobby is widespread, honest and trustworthy; Good at communication, have good language expression ability, can very good in English with foreigners fluent communication; The thought is agile, Work initiative high, serious and responsible work, bears hardships and stands hard work spirit.

  Strong self-learning ability, good at thinking, bears hardships and stands hard work, have good communication skills, good at getting along with others, good team cooperation spirit, love sports. But man is not perfect, still has some deficiencies in some respects, such as knowledge, social experience, etc.; But I'm sure these are all can learn through their own efforts to improve, I also is toward this direction diligently!

  Bell is ringing, graduation empress is the test of practice, only to find that in the middle of the internship, society is not as simple as I thought. In the face of the first job, will face too much lv, overcome from the difficulties. Inventory work for a warehouse tube - Richard - member is not strange, because it is a must work to be done every month. Everyone cannot have the effect of the other point of view, because the relationship to the understanding of the company's assets at the top and the beginning of the New Year can have a better, is a must for me.

  Inventory before, I like a cat on hot bricks, every day for the physical account, card, whether consistent but busy. But I'm busy are worth it, my job is to be sure, because my inventory work very well, this is I should be proud of, if the work is not good at ordinary times, inventory before again busy also useless. Even though the PanDian ended, a lot of good aspects I will continue to follow.

  In organizing, learning is also very big, I just contact the work, in the careful coaching of colleagues, serious do it will be necessary to separate from the discretionary, so-called necessities in post only necessities, refers to the items, often must be used without it, you must buy substitutes, otherwise it will affect the work. Whatever its use frequency per hour or every day use, are called necessities. The processing method is where often use, such as the telephone; Or carry, such as a pen. LiLi, therefore, the key is to use frequency usage is determine the benchmark, and then do the non-essential items in accordance with the use value, the no use value, respectively.

  I can do the second "consolidation", is must classify the goods in and out of the frequency, and according to the priorities, establish replenish onr's stock, delivery, inventory and other operation standard operating operationalization and institutionalized, and operated in accordance with the standardized and institutionalized; To analyze how to use, storage in the warehouse or the warehouse loading and unloading efficiency maximization, to maximize the use of space, and then enhance the company image, keep pace with modern marketing.

仓管员英文自我评价 篇4

  本人对原料、半成品、成品等各类仓库的操作程序均比较熟练,熟悉iso9001:20xx质量认证体系对仓储管理的要求,熟悉5s管理要求,能够熟练操作办公软件,能够熟练运用erp企业资源管理系统进行商品物资的进销存管理,具有丰富的仓库管理经验和账务信息处理能力,具备独当一面的能力,也带领过团队 取得过业绩第一的经历。

仓管员英文自我评价 篇5




  (1)收货(入库)时未复查报检数量及合格品数量的匹配性,糊里糊涂收货; (2)物料发放时马虎大意,点错数量,多发,少发,错发,漏发;

  (3)入库时实物未有明确标识,未按指定位置存放,造成帐面有数据而找不到实物; (4)数据录入时发生错误,多做,少做,漏做等。




  养成了良好的习惯,会使我们的工作井井有条,遇事不乱方寸。 日事日毕、日清日高对于仓库来说,十分重要






  (3)认真做好仓库的区域规划,材料的分类摆放和保管工作。 (4)认真做好仓库安全防范及仓库卫生工作。 (5)认真做好仓库发料工作。


  (1)对各类物品方位务必了解详实,做好先入库先出库的(先入先出)的原则,以确保货物周转快! (2)账目要分清,可以每周做抽盘,每季度作大盘点.

  (3)不要闲杂人等进入仓库区,也不得在库区吸烟,要注意安全! (4)货物按分类摆放,让人一目了然! (5)帐物相符,先进先出


  要做好一个仓管员,一定要细心,出入账一定要记得清楚有条理. 经常与仓库保持联系,了解库存情况,对库存商品要做到“了如指掌”和“心中有数”,有计划、有步骤地安排好日常工作。



  在物料正确的前提下,入库时要把好三关: (1)数量关:入库时要点清数量;

  (2)质量关:对来料质量进行检验和控制; (3)单据关:单据不全不收,手续不齐不办。


  (1)摆放科学:摆放合理、整齐、标志鲜明、方便存取 (2)确保质量:防尘、防潮、防损害、防跌落 (3)确保安全:防霉变、防损、防呆滞、防报废 (4)帐、卡、物相符



  (2)完成一件工作后要作(做)自我检查,以发现问题及时解决; (3)对每天的工作进行总结和反思,以提高工作质量; (4)有强烈的时间观念,凡事及时处理,不说"等一下"; (5)工作主动,而不是被动等待安排;




  (3)树立兴我荣,衰我耻的责任感和使命感,一切维护和服从公司的利益。 (4)强烈的责任感和良好的修养。 (5)具有较强的责任心和责任感。

  (6)切实做到“三实”、“四严”、“三个一样”。三实:做诚实人,说实话,做实事。 (7)四严:严格的要求,严密的组织,严肃的态度,严明的纪律。




  我一直信奉一句话:要么不做,做就要做好。好是什么,对于一个仓管员来说,好是自己做出来,别人评价的。自己一天到晚心浮气燥,自我感觉飘飘然,结果不仅不被大家认可,反而给部门工作,相关部门工作造成麻烦拖后腿,这本身就是一个心态问题。 态度决定一切,我们无法选择我们的父母,但可以选择自己的职业(工作)。三百六十行,行行有人干;三百六十行,行行出状元。既然我们不是做总统的料,既然没有满腹经纶,做不了思想家,既然现在没有足够的本钱去做一个老板,既然现阶段还没有找到更好的职业,那么就要清楚且理性的告诉自己,我是一个仓管员,只有彻底给自己一个准确的定位,工作才会踏实,才会出成绩,才会被大家认可。



  除了以上几点,做一个仓管员还要吃苦耐劳,还要时刻注意整理自己的工作现场,在物料搬运过程中要轻拿轻放,要有自我保护意识和安全意识,工作中团结互助,工作后互相交流等。 明天的你、我、他,通过奋斗或许将成为经理、BOSS,但今天,我们从一个仓管员做起,从小事做起,既然做了,就把它做好吧!。





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