



银行员工简历自我评价 篇1

  XX年,对于身处改革浪潮中心的银行员工来说有许多值得回味的东西,尤其是工作在客户经理岗位上的同志,感触就更大了。年初的竞聘上岗,用自己的话说“这是工作多年来,第一次这样正式的走上讲台,来争取一份工作”,而且,出乎预料差点落眩竞争让我一开始就感到了压力,也就是从那时候起,我在心里和自己较上了劲,一定要勤奋努力,不辱使命,他是这样想的,也是这样做的。一年来,我在工作中紧跟支行领导班子的步伐, 围绕支行工作重点, 出色的完成了各项工作任务,用智慧和汗水,用行动和效果体现出了爱岗敬业,无私奉献的精神。

  截至现在,我完成新增存款任务2415万元,完成计划的 241.5%,办理承兑汇票贴现3笔,金额460万元,完成中间业务收入1万元,完成个人揽储61万元,同时也较好的完成了基金销售、信用卡、贷记卡营销等工作,完成供电公司建行网上银行系统推行上线工作,协助分行完成电费实时代收代扣系统的研发和推广。




银行员工简历自我评价 篇2


银行员工简历自我评价 篇3




银行员工简历自我评价 篇4

  I am the Anhui Feixi stone silver village bank of a general business hall staff. In the past two years in the village bank, I have always maintained a good working condition, with a qualified village bank employees strict standards of their own requirements. Based on their own work, devote themselves to study business skills, so that they can contribute in the ordinary post youth, the cause of the Bank issued a light, a heat. In two years of work I have served as a cashier, business and other work! Familiar with the front desk business. Now the work of the past two years to do the following summary;

  First, the basic work

  Emphasis on theoretical study, consciously strengthen the relevant financial policies and laws and regulations of learning, to build a solid theoretical knowledge structure, and constantly improve their overall quality.

  First of all, as a general front desk integrated business, I know as a business, not strong business theory support, can not provide customers with fast and efficient service, in order to comprehensively enhance their overall quality, I consciously use amateur Time, the system learned the relevant business knowledge, so that their business, the rules and regulations have a more comprehensive understanding of the daily counter for the customer business consulting can also give the correct feedback and reply.

  In addition, in order to adapt to the needs of financial work in the new era, and enhance the systematic and continuous learning of the whole business, I earnestly study all kinds of financial knowledge and actively participate in the qualification of the banking association in a humble and prudent manner. Examination, the People's Bank of anti-counterfeit money for the job examination and the Bank's five teller examination. And focus on the work of secondary school for use, through the development of daily work, continue to accumulate work experience in the comprehensive business capacity, comprehensive analysis of capacity, coordination of service capabilities, language and other aspects of language skills, have greatly improved.

  Second, the performance of job responsibilities.

  As a front desk integrated business, I love their own work.

  1, At work, I am able to be diligent, diligent, diligent, strictly implement the national financial policies, abide by the Bank's rules and regulations, and actively respond to the call of the Bank, and actively carry out the work within the scope of authorization . And in many of the details of the workflow would like to ideas, methods, in line with the relevant rules and regulations under the premise of simplifying the process, improve efficiency and better meet the work requirements.

  In daily work, I always ask myself to seriously and meticulously to each work, in the specific business process, and strive to achieve the intentions, sincerity, confidence, patience, careful handling of every business, every customer reception.

  "Customer satisfaction, business development" as the goal, devote themselves to study business skills, the flexibility of the financial policies and the spirit of the work, and establish a good window service dedicated image. In the busy work, I insist on doing a good job, "smiling service", patient and meticulous answers to customer questions, for two years there have been no personal reasons for the emergence of customer complaints or dissatisfaction

  2, security management, enhance awareness of prevention.

  In the past two years, I have been able to strictly follow the relevant requirements of the Bank's security and security, and act in strict accordance with the system. On duty during the time to keep vigilant, anti-theft anti-theft anti-riot plan and alarm calls, master, use a variety of prevention equipment. Check the circuit on time, the phone is normal, to prevent the device is in good condition, when abnormal circumstances can be handled on the spot to deal with the spot, can not take the initiative to report to the higher authorities and so on. Combined with their own work to strengthen the cash, vouchers, seal management, from the source to prevent the case. And constantly enhance the sense of security precautions, conscientiously implement the preventive measures, do the "security from my start, from the side to start small", to prevent micro-security, the security really fell to the real office.

  3, ideological, and actively participate in political studies, abide by the rules of discipline, political requirements for progress, with high political consciousness, and actively to the party organizations.

  4, life, and people are good, pay attention to develop their own team spirit and sense of collaboration, and constantly enhance their own value.I know that the individual's ability is limited. To promote the development of our business, we need all the colleagues to work together. In improving their own quality, I pay particular attention to the team spirit, unity of my colleagues, Want others to think, be anxious other people are anxious ", and actively create a solidarity and enterprising work atmosphere, effectively carry out the requirements of the Bank of the work.

银行员工简历自我评价 篇5

  Ideological, and actively participate in political studies, adhere to the four cardinal principles, support the party's principles and policies, and consciously abide by the laws and regulations.

  Work, I work since years, has a certain department, a certain section, accounting and other sections of the work, no matter where they are, demanding their own, study hard business, strive to become experts.With such a firm conviction, I have been proficient in savings, accounting, planning, credit cards, a loan and other services, as line of business experts. Personal development experience

  Remember, just enter the line, in order to grasp the line of business as soon as possible, every day more than an hour in advance to the post, practice counting, plans, savings business, although the residence from the work unit to ride more than 1 hours, but I Every day, rain or shine, especially in winter, ice and snow, afraid not squeeze on the train, I often have to work two or three hours in advance, that time I developed into the habit of early units, and now every day is the first to Line, the first cleaning, and then look at the business book or ready to prepare a day's work, but also this habit, gave me plenty of time to learn more business knowledge, for my years of work smoothly laid a good foundation .

  I work for most of the posts in the foreground, in order to better serve customers, for different levels, different needs of customers, I give different help and services, I remember a first time to my customers, when I learned He wants to buy second - hand housing loans, because he did not know how to do, just have an idea, I will be detailed to him a loan of all the procedures. In addition to the customer service I am committed to, in line activities organized by the I also responded positively, often participate in the organization of the competition, self-display, and achieved excellent results, by the unit awards.

  Learning, since I joined the work, I never give up learning theoretical knowledge and business knowledge. Since I graduated from Finance School is a secondary school, just work I use my spare time self-study college, and graduated in years, but I am not satisfied with the status quo, and in years self-study Northeastern University financial undergraduate, due to hard work, The teacher fully affirmed by the study, is currently actively preparing for thesis defense. Not only to master and improve the financial knowledge, but also has a certain theoretical level, fully meet the standards of undergraduate students. Learning theory, more research business, the financial knowledge learned into the work to make the business level continues to improve, and in years to participate in the national intermediate economist qualification examination, passed the same time was hired as an intermediate division. In the years of business knowledge examination, each accounting business qualification examinations have reached a level.

  Finally, I would like to say is that the above is only a little achievement in my work, which unit of leadership and the help of colleagues are inseparable. I always firmly believe that a word a match and then bright, and only big light beans. But if a match to lit a pile of matches, it will be burning.





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