



介绍苏州园林的 篇1









介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇2














介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇3









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介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇5





介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇6

  Hello, everyone. I will lead you this parade. I'm Qiao guide.

  This is our Suzhou garden. From a distance, the green lake looks like animmortal in the sky overturning the ink bottle and falling into the water.

  When you enter the garden, please don't make any noise, and take good careof the elderly and children. There is a small pavilion in the garden, which wasbuilt by ancient people with their sweat and wisdom. The doors and windows ofthe pavilion are all wooden. Please don't touch the objects in the Pavilion.

  Look, the branches and leaves of the willow tree are hanging on the water,as if the strips are hanging down. Here is an arch bridge, tourists can walk onit, but please don't litter, be a green tourist.

  There is also a long ring corridor here. You can take photos as a souveniror try your feet. There are lotus leaves and flowers in the lake. Each lotusleaf is like a disc. Tourists can have a rest under the trees and enjoy thebeautiful scenery of the garden. It is often said that there is heaven above andSuzhou and Hangzhou below. Breeze blowing, a cluster of leaves are scattered onthe lake, from a high point of view, as if to add some decoration to thelake.

  In such a quiet moment, I can hear the sound of birds fluttering theirwings We are all very happy this time. I hope we can be your guide next time.Thank you!

介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇7

  Dear tourists

  Hello and welcome to Suzhou. I'm your tour guide.

  Suzhou is known as the "garden city". Suzhou gardens have a long history.In the heyday of Ming and Qing Dynasties, more than 200 gardens were all overthe ancient city, and there are still dozens of well preserved gardens,representing the styles of Jiangnan gardens in song, yuan, Ming and QingDynasties. Suzhou's classical gardens are famous for their antiquity, beauty,refinement and elegance. They are unique tourism resources in Suzhou. OnDecember 4, 1997, the 21st plenary session of the World Heritage Committee ofthe United Nations approved the classical gardens of Suzhou, with Zhuozhenggarden, Liuyuan garden, Wangshi garden and Huanxiu villa as typical examples, tobe included in the world heritage list; On November 30, 20__, the 24th sessionof UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved canglangting, Shizilin, Yipu,Liangyuan and tuisiyuan to be added to the world heritage list.

  Suzhou's gardeners use unique gardening techniques, in the limited space,through folding mountains and managing water, planting flowers and trees,configuring landscape architecture, and using a large number of plaques,couplets, calligraphy and painting, sculpture, steles, furniture and furnishingsand various ornaments to reflect the ancient philosophy, cultural awareness andaesthetic taste, so as to form a literati freehand landscape garden full ofpoetic and picturesque, which makes people happy“ The artistic situation of"although it is made by people, it is like the opening of heaven" isachieved.

  Suzhou has a long history. Private gardens were built in the 6th centuryBC, especially in the Ming Dynasty. In the late Qing Dynasty, there were morethan 170 gardens inside and outside the city. It won the title of "garden city"for Suzhou. There are more than ten famous gardens, among which CanglangPavilion, Shizi forest, Zhuozheng garden, Liuyuan garden, Wangshi garden andYiyuan garden are famous. Suzhou garden has a small battlefield area. It adoptsthe artistic technique of changing endlessly and not sticking to one pattern.With the taste of Chinese landscape, flowers and birds, it embodies the artisticconception of Tang poetry and Song Ci. It ornaments rockery and trees in limitedspace, and arranges pavilions, pavilions, ponds and bridges, so that Suzhougarden can win by scenery, and the scenery is different from the garden, givingpeople the artistic effect of seeing the big from the small. HumbleAdministrator's Garden enjoys the reputation of "the essence of famous gardensin the south of the Yangtze River". The gardens of song, yuan, Ming and Qingdynasties have their own natural, historical, cultural and artisticcharacteristics.

  Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city as well as a national keyscenic and tourist city. It is rich in natural resources and outstanding people.Since ancient times, it has been known as the "garden city" and enjoys a highreputation at home and abroad. Suzhou classical garden has a history of morethan 20__ years, and has its unique historical position and value in the historyof world gardening. With the superb artistic technique of freehand landscape, itcontains a strong traditional ideological and cultural connotation, and showsthe gardening art model of Oriental civilization. In fact, it is an artistictreasure of the Chinese nation. Suzhou scenic spots such as Huqiu, Tianpingmountain and Shihu, which are as famous as "Suzhou garden", are also the touristattractions that tourists at home and abroad yearn for.

  During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the feudal economic and culturaldevelopment of Suzhou reached its peak, and the gardening art also tended tomature. A group of garden artists emerged, which made the gardening activitiesreach a climax. In its heyday, there were more than 280 private gardens andcourtyards in Suzhou, of which Canglang Pavilion and Wangshi garden were firstbuilt in Song Dynasty, Lion Forest in Yuan Dynasty, Humble Administrator'sgarden and art garden in Ming Dynasty, Liuyuan, Liangyuan, Yiyuan, Quyuan andTingfeng garden in Qing Dynasty. Among them, Zhuozheng garden, Liuyuan garden,Wangshi garden and Huanxiu villa were listed as "world cultural heritage" byUNESCO at the end of 1997 for their exquisite gardening art and distinctiveartistic characteristics.

  Suzhou gardens are "urban mountain forests" full of natural interest in thecity. As soon as people living in the downtown enter the gardens, they can enjoythe "joy of mountains, rivers, forests and springs" of nature. In thisconcentrated "nature", "one spoon for water, one fist for mountain", the changeof the four seasons in the morning, the withering and flourishing of vegetationin spring and autumn, and the seasonal change of landscape and flowers makepeople "enjoy the mountains and forests without going out of the city, and enjoythe forest and spring when living in the downtown".

  Suzhou garden is a "literati freehand landscape garden" with profoundcultural connotation. Ancient gardeners have high cultural accomplishment andare good at poetry and painting. When they build gardens, they usually takepainting as the foundation and take poetry as the topic. They create poetic andpicturesque landscapes by digging pools, piling mountains and planting flowersand trees, which is called "silent poetry and three-dimensional painting".Sightseeing in the garden is like appreciating poetry or painting. In order toexpress the interest, ideal and pursuit of the garden owner, there areinscriptions such as plaques and couplets in the garden architecture andlandscape, such as the quiet fragrance of Lotus (Yuanxiang hall in HumbleAdministrator's garden), the elegant vanilla (Xiangzhou in HumbleAdministrator's garden), the ancient boat like boat like boat like boat likeboat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat likeboat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat likeboat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat likeboat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat likeboat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat like boat Fourgarden life (wangshiyuan "true meaning", Liuyuan "little Taoyuan") and so on.These poems and inscriptions, which are full of scholarly atmosphere, arenaturally and harmoniously blended with the architecture, landscape, flowers andtrees in the garden, so that the landscape of a mountain, a water, a plant and atree can produce a far-reaching artistic conception.

  Although Suzhou gardens are small, ancient gardeners have created rich anddiverse landscapes with their own ingenuity through various artistic techniques.When they travel in the gardens, they can see "the courtyard is a little deep",or "another village with hidden willows and bright flowers", or small bridgesand flowing water, white walls and tiles, or winding paths, or changing scenery.As for the flowered windows with different forms and exquisite designs, thebrocade like pavements that can't be stretched out at the foot, and the piecesthat seem to be scattered in the corners of the walls, people can't see themcompletely and have endless aftertaste.

  "Chinese garden is the mother of world gardening, and Suzhou garden is anoutstanding representative of Chinese garden", which is the evaluation of Suzhouclassical garden by the 21st plenary session of UNESCO World Heritage Committee.In recent years, in accordance with the Convention on the protection of worldcultural and classical garden natural heritage and the regulations on theprotection and management of Suzhou gardens, Suzhou has actively protectedgardens, consolidated and expanded the declaration results, deeply excavated theconnotation of garden culture, and carried forward Wu culture. Adhere to theprinciple of "repair the old as the old", according to the policy of"protection, dredging, restoration and development", make the garden city worthyof the name. Suzhou Bureau of landscape architecture and greening has introducedadvanced technology and management experience from its peers in the world,implemented the protection, management and standardization of classical gardensby using international standards, and established a modern landscape managementsystem: first, restorative protection; second, excavation protection, such asZhuozheng garden reappearing the thirty one landscape of Wen Zhengming of MingDynasty, Canglang Pavilion reappearing the precious relics of Lin Zexu, etc; Thethird is constructive protection; the fourth is integrated protection. Zhuozhenggarden was rated as one of the first 4A scenic spots in China, and passed theISO9002 quality system certification. Liuyuan, Shizilin and wangshiyuan werealso rated as 4A scenic spots. Suzhou gardens constantly launch a series ofcharacteristic tourism activities, such as Huqiu art flower fair, Jinqiu templefair, Zhuozheng garden Rhododendron Festival, Lotus Festival, Liuyuan Wucultural activities, wangshiyuan characteristic night tour and Yiyuan Narcissusexhibition, Shizilin seasonal flower exhibition, Tianping Hongfeng Festival,Shihu Chuanyue, canglangting orchid and Chrysanthemum Exhibition, Liangyuanwater town characteristic tour, etc; Suzhou gardens also grasp the four links of"protection, development, management and service", making classical gardens animportant window to reflect the achievements of Suzhou's spiritual civilizationconstruction. In 20__, it was named as the national advanced unit of buildingcivilized industry by the Central Committee of civilization.

  For more than 20 years, Suzhou garden art was first exported to Mingxuan,the Ming style courtyard of the Metropolitan Museum of New York in 1980. Sincethen, the "brand" effect has become prominent. It has been designed, constructedand won many honors, such as "Qifang Pavilion" in Ikeda, Japan, "Yiyuan" inCanada, "Yunxiu garden" in Singapore, "Jinlan Pavilion" in Kanazawa, Japan,"Splendid China" miniature scenic spot in Florida, and "fragrant garden"Jiulongzhaicheng Park in Hong Kong, Bird Park, Jixing garden in Stanton Island,New York, USA, Dongwu Xiaozhu garden in Kunming Expo 99, and Lansu garden inPortland, USA make Suzhou famous gardens settle down in all corners of theworld, promote the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries, andattract experts and scholars from Europe, Asia, and the United States to visitSuzhou classical gardens.

  The 28th World Heritage conference, held in Suzhou from June 28 to July 7,20__, is the most senior UNESCO International conference hosted by the Chinesegovernment. More than 500 delegates from nearly 100 countries and more than 800Chinese and foreign journalists attended the meeting. It is conducive for theworld to further understand Suzhou and Suzhou to go to the world.

介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇8

  Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. Today, I will take you to the "paradiseon earth" - Suzhou garden.

  Before we get to the classical gardens, let me introduce the classicalgardens to you. In 1985, Suzhou garden was rated as one of the top ten scenicspots in China. According to records, there are nearly 200 gardens in Suzhou.Canglangting, Shizilin, zhuozhengyuan and Liuyuan represent the artistic stylesof Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty respectively. Atthe same time, it is known as the "four famous gardens" of Suzhou classicalgardens

  We have come to Liuyuan, the first stop of today's Golden Tour. Liuyuan islocated in Suzhou, which is a garden road. It uses the comparison techniques oflight and shade. You can enjoy it well, but you should also pay attention tohygiene and be a civilized tourist.

  If we don't stay in the garden, let's go to the lion forest. The lionforest is full of variety, which is worth seeing.

  Through the lion forest, about 5000 meters out, you can see Hanshan Temple.When it comes to Hanshan Temple, you must naturally think of "Hanshan Templeoutside Gusu city goes to the passenger ship at midnight" in "Night Mooring onmaple bridge". It's named after a Hanshan monk who lived here in the early TangDynasty. Now, on one side of the monument in the temple, there is a poem "NightMooring on maple bridge" carved on it!

  Well, Hanshan Temple is here. Now you can watch Hanshan Templecarefully.

  Dear friends, we had a wonderful day in Suzhou, the "paradise on earth".See you tomorrow!

介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇9








介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇10









介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇11





介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇12

  Hello, everyone. I'm your guide. You can call me Lu Dao. Welcome to thebeautiful Suzhou garden with pleasant scenery. You will have a day with me.

  Suzhou garden was listed as one of the world cultural heritages in December1997. Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city as well as a national keyscenic and tourist city. Suzhou garden has a long history, magnificent, is theart treasure of the Chinese nation.

  Canglang Pavilion, located near nanyuanfang in Suzhou, has the longesthistory in Suzhou. It is the private garden of Su Shunqin. Canglang Pavilioncovers an area of 1 square meters. 08 hectares. There is a clear water runningthrough it. The reflection of the wave light makes a myriad of scenes.

  Now I'll tell you a legend. When Emperor Qianlong passed through Suzhou, heheard that there was something called storytelling, so he invited Wang Zhoushito storytelling. Wang Zhoushi was famous in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but he didn'tsay it. When the emperor asked him why, Wang said there was no lamp and chair,so he gave him a lamp and a chair. Wang Zhoushi plucked the three strings, andthe sound was like a hundred birds crowing the Phoenix and a golden drum singingtogether. The emperor beamed and invited him into the palace. On the contrary,Wang Zhoushi was not used to it. He asked for a day's leave and went back toSuzhou. He said that it was not his storytelling that attracted the emperor, butthe extraordinary and unique scenery of Suzhou that attracted Emperor Qianlong.It can be seen that Suzhou has been the best place to visit since ancient times,that is to say, "there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below".

  After my introduction, it's better to see than to hear. Let's go.

介绍苏州园林的导游词 篇13

  Hello, everyone. Speaking of classical gardens, everyone will think ofSuzhou. However, more than 200 years ago, the gardens in Yangzhou, the ancientcity of Jianghuai, were better than those in Suzhou. As early as the QingDynasty, some people have made such an evaluation of Jiangnan scenic spots:"Hangzhou wins with lakes and mountains, Suzhou wins with shops, Yangzhou winswith gardens and pavilions." It can be seen that at that time, Yangzhou wasfamous for the beauty of gardens in Jiangnan. As early as the Han Dynasty,Yangzhou had large-scale garden architecture, and later there were innovations.In the Qing Dynasty, due to the highly developed handicraft industry, commerce,transportation and salt industry, and the six southern tours of Qianlong,Yangzhou gardens flourished rapidly. However, in history, many gardens weredestroyed by wars and wars. Now only a few gardens, such as Geyuan, Heguo,xiaopangu and houyechun garden, survive.

  History and name of Geyuan

  Friends: today we are visiting one of the ten famous gardens in China.Geyuan is located at the back of 318 Dongguan Street in Yangzhou city. In 1820,Huang Yuyun, the salt general manager of Huaihe and Huaihe rivers, rebuilt it onthe site of Shouyi garden in Ming Dynasty. Huang Yuyun thinks that bamboo issolid, guilty, straight and chaste, which has the style of a gentleman. Becausethe shape of the three bamboo leaves is like "Ge", he named "Ge yuan" after thesentence meaning of Yuan Mei's "Yue Ying Zhu Cheng Qian Zi". Su Dongpo oncesaid: "it's better to eat without meat than live without bamboo. No meat makespeople thin, and no bamboo makes people vulgar." The original intention ofnaming the master of the garden after bamboo is revealed.

  General situation of gardening spring landscape

  "Yangzhou wins by famous gardens, and famous gardens win by stackedstones.". Geyuan is an urban mountain forest with bamboo and stone as the mainbody and stone as the characteristic. The rockery of Geyuan adopts the techniqueof overlapping stones by dividing peaks, and uses different stones to show thescenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is known as the rockery of fourseasons, which is the only isolated example of domestic gardens. The plants inGeyuan are mainly bamboo, and the most suitable landscaping materials for bambooare all kinds of strange peaks and stones, such as lingtouqiao Taihu stone peak,thin and craggy stalagmites, etc. The combination of bamboo and stone forms adistinctive bamboo and stone landscape in the garden. Tourists, now we can seethat at the entrance of Geyuan, the gardener has set up a group of small bambooand stone scenes with unique ingenuity. At the beginning, the theme of bambooand stone as the center of the garden is clearly pointed out.

  Geyuan is just behind the Huang's residence. You can enter it from themiddle of the house. You can see two flower stands on the left and on the rightwhen you turn left. On the platform, there are green bamboo pavilions, and thereare uneven stalagmites stacked among the bamboos. From a distance, it looks likea spring bamboo shoot that has just broken the ground. Continuous sunlightreflects the sparse bamboo shadow on the wall of the garden gate, forming apattern of "Ge" shape, which sets off the plaque of "Ge yuan" in the middle ofthe garden gate. The "new bamboo shoots" swaying in the breeze symbolize thespring mountain forest. This real and fake bamboo scene is set against the whitewall of the front residential part and stands on both sides of the garden gate,which has the meaning of "spring mountain is the beginning". I don't know if thetourists can appreciate the feeling of returning to the earth in spring. This isthe spring scene in the famous four seasons mountain scenery of Geyuan.

  [garden summer scenery: yiyuxuan Xiashan]

  After enjoying the spring scenery, let's go to enjoy the summer scenery. Sowhere is the rockery in summer? From the spring scenery of the two flower bedsinto the garden gate, there is a four side hall. In front of the hall, there aretwo flower beds stacked with lake stones. Bamboo is planted in the West andosmanthus is planted in the East. Therefore, this hall was originally calledosmanthus hall, but now it has been renamed "yiyuxuan" on the plaque. Lookingsouth from the hall, you can see green everywhere, green bamboo and congguinearby. Through the four terrazzo windows and the moon cave gate on the wall,you can also see the bamboo and stone scenery we just passed by. Close range andlong-range are different from inside and outside, but they are separated. Thiskind of gardening technique of borrowing from each other inside and outside toincrease the depth of the first scene in the garden is unique and unique. Fromthe sweet scented osmanthus hall to the west along the porch, after a densebamboo forest, you come to the edge of the pool and look north across the water.Under the blue sky, there is a towering Taihu stone rockery with rich antiquityand clear lingzheng. There are stone caves at the bottom of the mountain andstone platforms on the mountain. The shape is changeable, just like clouds inthe sky. This is the summer mountain. There is a clear pool in front of themountain. There is a curved bridge on the water, leading to the entrance of thecave. The tail of the water is cleverly hidden, giving people the impression of"how deep the courtyard is". Lotus is planted all over the pool. At a glance,"the lotus in the sun is red", highlighting the theme of "summer".

  Walking on the curved bridge, we can enjoy the beauty of the summermountain. We can see the strange stones on both sides. Some of them are asindependent as Wang He, and some of them are as naive as rhinoceros. Looking up,you can see that the flying stones at the mouth of the valley are just likemagpies climbing the plum blossom to welcome the guests; at the long jump, themonkeys are playing on the top of the mountain. It's really beautiful sceneryand beautiful stone. When you enter the cave, you feel a little gloomy at first.Then you get used to the light falling from the stone gap above, and you feelthat the cave is spacious. The water in the small pool flows into the cave, andthe stone color of the lake is blue and gray. Enjoying the scenery in the cavein summer makes it cool. The cavern can be traversed, ascended and turnedseveral times to the top of the mountain. There is a small pavilion isolated onthe rockery. There is an ancient pine in front of the pavilion, stretching outof the cliff, adding the lush atmosphere of the summer mountain. Standing in thepavilion, looking back at the rockery, in the cave stone crevice, Magnoliacrisscross, stone steps on both sides, rain hit banana Pavilion. Walking in themeantime, I can see the thick shade and green shadow, which makes people feelrelaxed and happy.

  [autumn landscape: Huangshan stone - Autumn Mountain]

  Friend: if the summer scenery shows the elegant and quiet artisticconception with the fresh and soft curve of Taihu stone, then the autumn sceneryshows the majestic magnificence with the bold and unconstrained straight line ofHuangshan stone. Because Huangshan stone is not only the most powerful mountainin the north, but also the most picturesque rockery in the south. The wholerockery is built on huangshitan, Anhui Province, which is a cliff with hangingrocks. Some of its rocks are yellow and some red. The main side of the rockeryfaces to the West. When the sun goes down, the red glow reflects, and the coloris very eye-catching. In the crevice of the cliff, there are pine and cypress,whose green branches and leaves are just in contrast with the brown yellowrocks, just like a picture of autumn mountains. On the top of the mountain,there is a Square Pavilion, in which people can overlook the surroundinglandscape. To the north, they can overlook the green poplar City, the thin WestLake, the Pingshan hall and the Guanyin Mountain. This is also one of thetraditional Chinese gardening techniques: borrowing scenery. In ancient China,there was a tradition of climbing high in autumn. Geyuan Huangshan stone is thecommanding height of the whole country, and the theme of autumn is played up byChongyang climbing.

  The appearance of Qiushan is high and abrupt, and its internal structure iscomplex. Stone cave, stone platform, stone Deng, stone beam and small buildingsin the mountain are intertwined and integrated to form a complicatedthree-dimensional sightseeing passage in the mountain. It not only has planedetour, but also has three-dimensional winding. Tourists, if you are interested,you can enjoy the elegant demeanour of Qiushan, a famous Yangzhou mountain withingenious design and superb stacking techniques.

  [winter landscape of Garden: toufenglouyuexuan - loushang]

  Looking south from Huangshi rockery, to the west of Sanying building, thereis a quiet scenic spot. The main building in this area is a small hall open fromnorth to South and enclosed by walls from east to west. These buildings seem tobring some "Beijing flavor". If you look at these houses, the corners are small,the roofs are gentle, and the shapes are heavy. Why is this so? It turned outthat during the prosperous period of the Qing Dynasty, emperors would visitYangzhou when they went to the south. Yangzhou salt merchants have strongeconomic strength. In order to "welcome Luan", they try their best to figure outthe emperor's preferences. As a result, many garden buildings follow the styleof Beijing buildings. Gradually, some buildings in Yangzhou gardens also havesome "Beijing flavor". This small hall called "toufenglouyue" is no exception.In the south of the hall, there is a flower terrace with Xuan stone. On theterrace, there is the south boundary wall of the garden, and there is a smallrockery with Xuan stone. This is the winter mountain. Xuanshi is produced inXuancheng, Anhui Province. Its color is as white as snow. It is also calledXueshi. This scenic spot used to be a place to enjoy the snow and tea around thestove in winter. In order to make the rockery snow even when it doesn't snow,xuanshishan is placed under the north wall of the south boundary wall. Lookingfrom the hall, the hills on the stage are all white, as if the snow has not goneaway. Because Xuanshi contains quartz, although its color is white, it willshine in the sun. If it is placed in the sun, it is contrary to the theme ofenjoying the snow. The Dongshan mountain is shady, so we can see the Dieshanfamily's careful observation.

  Outside the eastern boundary wall of Xuanshi mountain is the populationDepartment of Geyuan. In order to make the meaning of winter more sufficient,the gardener regularly arranged 24 round holes on the wall, forming a uniquepicture of leaky windows. When the gust of wind blows, these holes, like thesound holes on the flute, will make different sounds, such as the call ofnorthwest wind in winter, to assist the theme artistic conception with sound.What's more mysterious is that through the rows of wind and moon, you can seethe green bamboos and stalagmites in the spring scenery. I don't know if myfriends have the association of "winter goes and spring comes".

  Dear friends, the rockery of Geyuan sums up the so-called paintingprinciples of "spring mountain is light but like smile, summer mountain is greenand like drop, autumn mountain is clear and like makeup, winter mountain isbleak and like sleep" and "spring mountain is suitable for traveling, summermountain is suitable for seeing, autumn mountain is suitable for climbing,winter mountain is suitable for living". There are also "yiyuxuan","baoshanlou", "fuyunting", "zhuqiuge", "loufengtouyuexuan" and other ancientbuildings in the park. Against the backdrop of these pavilions and pavilions,and dotted with ancient and famous trees, the four seasons rockery is moresimple, elegant, profound and magnificent. Although the winter scenery givespeople the cold feeling of snow. However, the west wall of the spring sceneryhas opened two circular leaky windows. The branches and bamboos come across thewall, and give people the profound artistic conception of "blooming spring budsin winter". The whole landscape is like a huge picture, forming a beautifulharmony.

  The main landscape of Geyuan has been toured. After visiting a garden,would you sigh with this kind of sigh: Yangzhou garden is indeed the essencegarden in gardens.





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